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CLI for API Manager

Use the api-mgr commands to automate your API Manager Processes. For more information about how to use these commands, refer to the API Manager documentation.

Command Description

Creates an API instance alert

Lists alerts for an API instance

Lists the autodiscovery properties

Changes the asset version for an API instance by choosing a new version from Exchange

Classifies an API instance in a given environment

Deletes an API

Deploys an API to CloudHub, CloudHub2, Hybrid Server, or Runtime Fabric

Deprecates an API instance

Shows details of an API

Downloads the API proxy ZIP file to a local directory

Edits an API instance

Lists all APIs in API Manager 2.x

Manages a new API, API version, or new API instance with an asset from Exchange

Promotes an API instance from source environment

Redeploys an API to CloudHub, CloudHub2, Hybrid Server, or Runtime Fabric

Undeprecates an API instance

Deletes a given API contract

Lists all contracts to a given API instance

Applies a policy to a given API instance

Shows the description and available configuration properties of a given policy template

Disables policy from a given API instance

Edits the policy configuration of a given API instance

Enables a policy on a given API instance

Lists policies

Removes a policy from a given API instance

Creates an SLA tier

Copies an SLA tier from source to a target API instance

Deletes an SLA tier from an API instance

Lists the SLA tiers of an API instance


> api-mgr:alert:add <apiInstanceId> <name> [flags]

Creates an API instance alert with the name passed in name for the API instance ID passed in <apiInstanceId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Condition occurrence period duration.

--duration 60


Condition occurrence period duration unit.
Supported values: days, hours, and minutes.

--durationUnit minutes


Email to send alert notification to.
Pass this flag multiple times to specify multiple emails.


Sets whether the alert is enabled. Include the flag to enable the alert.



Condition operator that explains values in relation to threshold.
Supported values: gt, lt, eq.

--operator gt


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Number of consecutive periods condition should occur for.

--periods 34


ID of a policy applied to the API instance that triggers a policy-violation alert type.

--policyId http-basic-authentication


Username to send alert notification to.
Pass this flag multiple times to specify multiple usernames.

--recipient mulesoftuser


Response codes to trigger response-code alert type.
Pass this flag multiple times to specify multiple codes.

--responseCode 400


Response time to trigger response-time alert type.

--responseTime 60


Alert severity.
Supported values: Info, Warning, Critical.

--severity Critical


Condition occurrences threshold number.

--threshold 3


Alert type/condition.
Supported values: request-count, response-code, policy-violation, response-time

--type response-code

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.


> api-mgr:alert:list [flags] <apiInstanceId>

Lists alerts for the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Number of results to retrieve, default is 10 results

--limit 5


Offsets the amount of APIs passed

--offset 3


Specifies the response format
Supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Sorts the results in the field name passed
Supported values are: id, name, createdDate, and updatedDate

--sort name


> api-mgr:api:autodiscovery [flags] <apiInstanceId> <name>

This command lists the autodiscovery properties required for a gateway to track the API Instance Id passed in <apiInstanceId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Specifies the gateway version to download

--gatewayVersion 4.0.1 643404 /tmp/


Specifies the response format
Supported values are table (default) and json

--output table


> api-mgr:api:change-specification [flags] <apiInstanceId> <assetVersion>

Changes the asset version for the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId> by choosing a new version from Exchange passed in <assetVersion>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:api:classify [flags] <destEnvName> <apiInstanceId>

Classifies the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId> in the environment passed in <destEnvName>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:api:delete [flags] <apiInstanceId>

Deletes the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>. If the API instance is deployed, this command undeploys the API instance before deleting it.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:api:deploy [flags] <apiInstanceId>

Deploys the API instance passed in '<apiInstanceId>' to the deployment target specified using the flags described next. Deploy any undeployed API using this command regardless of whether it was created using the API Manager CLI or API Manager UI.

This command is only supported for endpoints with proxy.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Application name

--applicationName myMuleApp 643404


Target environment name, only for when deploying API instances from unclassified environments

--environmentName TestEnv 643404


The CloudHub Gateway version

--gatewayVersion: 643404


Gateway Java version
This flag only works if the target flag was set as RTF, CH, or CH2

--javaVersion 17 643404


Set the name of the release channel to be used for the selected Mule version. + Supported values are NONE, EDGE, and LTS
This flag only works if the target flag was set as RTF, CH, or CH2

--releaseChannel EDGE 643404


Update application if it exists
Include the flag to enable it



Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Hybrid, RTF, CH, or CH2 deployment target ID

--target 1598794 643404


> api-mgr:api:deprecate [flags] <apiInstanceId>

Deprecates the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:api:describe [flags] <apiInstanceId>

Shows details of the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:api:download-proxy [flags] <apiInstanceId> <targetPath>

This command downloads the API proxy ZIP file of the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId> to a local directory specified in <targetPath>. You cannot download the API proxy of a Flex Gateway API instance.

This command accepts the --gatewayVersion flag to specify the gateway version to download. For example: api-mgr:api:download-proxy --gatewayVersion: 4.0.1 643404 /tmp/ This command also accepts the --output flag to specify the response format
Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:api:edit [flag] <apiInstanceId>

Edits the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>. Editing a deployed Flex Gateway API instance redeploys the instance.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example

-f, --isFlex

Indicates whether this is a Flex Gateway API instance.
Include the flag to enable it


-m, --muleVersion4OrAbove

Indicates whether this is a Mule 4 API instance.
Include the flag to enable it


-p, --withProxy

Indicates whether the endpoint should use a proxy.
Include the flag to enable it


-r, --referencesUserDomain

Indicates whether a proxy should reference a user domain.
Include the flag to enable it


`--apiInstanceLabel `

API instance label

--apiInstanceLabel exampleLabel


Deployment type
Options: cloudhub, hybrid, rtf (required)

--deploymentType cloudhub


Consumer endpoint URI (required)

--endpointUri /udp://localhost:65432


Inbound secret group ID

--inboundSecretGroupId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Outbound TLS Context ID
Supply the --inboundSecretGroupId of the TLS Context’s secret group. To remove a TLS Context, apply the flag with the following value: --inboundTlsContextId "null".

--inboundTlsContextId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Outbound secret group ID.

--outboundSecretGroupId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Outbound TLS Context ID.
Supply the --outboundSecretGroupId of the TLS Context’s secret group. To remove a TLS Context, apply the flag with the following value: --outboundTlsContextId "null".

--outboundTlsContextId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Proxy path (required)

--path /http://localhost:3000


Proxy port (required)

--port 8080


Client Identity Provider Id that the API is associated with
Default is Anypoint Platform Client Provider

--providerId 1787c36ab544466698e380131040faad


Maximum response timeout(required)

--responseTimeout 10


Proxy scheme (required)
Supported values: http, https.

--scheme http


WSDL service name
Flex Gateway does not support this flag

--serviceName ExampleServerName


WSDL service namespace. Flex Gateway does not support this flag.

--serviceNamespace exampleServiceName


WSDL service port
Flex Gateway does not support this flag

--servicePort 443


Updates the TLS context of API instances sharing the port of this API.



Implementation URI.

--uri /udp://localhost:65432


> api-mgr:api:list [flags]

Lists all APIs in API Manager 2.x.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


API version that filters results

--apiVersion 1.0.2


Asset ID that filters results

--assetId ([group_id]/)<asset_id>/<version>


API instance label that filters results

--instanceLabel exampleLabel


Number of results to retrieve

--limit 50


Offsets the amount of APIs passed

--offset 3


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Sorts the results in the field name passed
Supported values are: id, name, createdDate, and updatedDate

--sort updatedDate


> api-mgr:api:manage [flags] <assetId> <assetVersion>

Manages a new API, API version, or new API instance with the Exchange asset passed in <assetId>, and the version passed in <assetVersion>.

Flex Gateway API instances created with Anypoint CLI do not support multiple upstream services. To create Flex Gateway API instances with multiple upstream services, see:

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example

-f, --isFlex

Indicates whether this is a Flex Gateway API instance.
Include the flag to enable it


-m, --muleVersion4OrAbove

Indicates whether this is a Mule 4 API instance.
Include the flag to enable it


-p, --withProxy

Indicates whether the endpoint should use a proxy.
Include the flag to enable it


-r, --referencesUserDomain

Indicates whether a proxy should reference a user domain.
Include the flag to enable it


`--apiInstanceLabel `

API instance label

--apiInstanceLabel exampleLabel


Deployment type
Options: cloudhub, hybrid, rtf (required)

--deploymentType hybrid


Consumer endpoint URI (required)

--endpointUri /udp://localhost:65432


Inbound secret group ID

--inboundSecretGroupId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Outbound TLS Context ID
Supply the --inboundSecretGroupId of the TLS Context’s secret group. To remove a TLS Context, apply the flag with the following value: --inboundTlsContextId "null".

--inboundTlsContextId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Outbound secret group ID.

--outboundSecretGroupId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Outbound TLS Context ID.
Supply the --outboundSecretGroupId of the TLS Context’s secret group. To remove a TLS Context, apply the flag with the following value: --outboundTlsContextId "null".

--outboundTlsContextId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Proxy path (required)

--path /http://localhost:3000


Proxy port (required)

--port 8080


Client Identity Provider Id that the API is associated with
Default is Anypoint Platform Client Provider

--providerId 1787c36ab544466698e380131040faad


Maximum response timeout(required)

--responseTimeout 10


Proxy scheme (required)
Supported values: http, https.

--scheme http


WSDL service name
Flex Gateway does not support this flag

--serviceName ExampleServerName


WSDL service namespace. Flex Gateway does not support this flag.

--serviceNamespace exampleServiceName


WSDL service port
Flex Gateway does not support this flag

--servicePort 443


Endpoint type
Supported options: http, raml, wsdl

--type http


Implementation URI

--uri /udp://localhost:65432


> api-mgr:api:promote [flags] <apiInstanceId> <sourceEnvId>

Promotes the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId> from the source environment in <sourceEnvId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example

-a, --copyAlerts

Indicates whether to copy alerts
Include the flag to enable it


-p, --copyPolicies

Indicates whether to copy policies
Include the flag to enable it


-t, --copyTiers

Indicates whether to copy tiers
Include the flag to enable it



Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Indicates the provider’s ID associated with the API.

--providerId 1787c36ab544466698e380131040faad


> api-mgr:api:redeploy [flags] <apiInstanceId>

Redeploys the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId> to the deployment target set up in the flags described below.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Application name

--applicationName Muleapp 643404


Target environment name
Include to redeploy APIs from unclassified environments

--environmentName mulesoftEnvironment 643404


CloudHub Gateway version

--gatewayVersion 9.9.9 643404


Gateway Java version
This flag only works if the target flag was set as RTF, CH, or CH2

--javaVersion 17 643404


Update application if it exists
Include the flag to enable it



Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Set the name of the release channel to be used for the selected Mule version. + Supported values are NONE, EDGE, and LTS
This flag only works if the target flag was set as RTF, CH, or CH2

--releaseChannel EDGE 643404


Hybrid, RTF, CH, or CH2 deployment target ID

--target 1598794 643404


> api-mgr:api:undeprecate [flags] <apiInstanceId>

Undeprecates the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

This commands accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:contract:delete [flags] <apiInstanceId> <clientId>

This command deletes the contract between the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>, and the client passed in <clientId>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:contract:list [flags] <apiInstanceId> [searchText]

Lists all contracts of the API passed in <apiInstanceId>.

You can specify keywords in searchText to limit results of APIs containing those specific keywords.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Number of results to retrieve

--limit 2


Offsets the amount of APIs passed

--offset 3


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Sorts the contracts by the criteria associated with their client applications
Supported values are: id, name, createdDate, and updatedDate

--sort id


> api-mgr:policy:apply [flags] <apiInstanceId> <policyId>

Applies the policy passed in <policyId> to the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example

-c, --config

Pass the configuration data as a JSON string

--config '{\"username\":\"user\",\"password\":\"teste\"}'


Pass the configuration data as a file

--configFile ./config.json


Mule 4 policy group ID
This value defaults to the MuleSoft group ID.

--groupId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json

-p, --pointcut [dataJSON]

Pass pointcut data as JSON strings

--pointcut '[{"methodRegex":"GET|PUT","uriTemplateRegex":"/users*"}]'


Mule 4 policy version.

--policyVersion 1.0.2

The following example defines a rate limit of one request every ten seconds:

        "rateLimits": [{
            "maximumRequests": 1,
            "timePeriodInMilliseconds": 10000
        "clusterizable": true,
        "exposeHeaders": false
Even if you plan to use the default values, you must configure all required policy parameters when applying a policy with Anypoint CLI,


> api-mgr:policy:describe [flags] <policyId>

Shows the description and available base configuration properties of the policy name passed in <policyId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Mule 4 policy group ID

+ Defaults to the MuleSoft group ID.

--groupId 1fec0a49-1551-4199-bfcc-cf0352d0f29d


Mule 4 policy version

--policyVersion 1.0.2


Specifies the response format
Supported values are table (default) and json.

--output json


> api-mgr:policy:disable [flags] <apiInstanceId> <policyInstanceId>

Disables the policy passed in <policyInstanceId> from the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:policy:edit [flags] <apiInstanceId> <policyInstanceId>

Edits the policy configuration passed in <policyInstanceId> for the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example

-c, --config

Pass the configuration data as a JSON string

--config '{\"username\":\"user\",\"password\":\"teste\"}'


Pass the configuration data as a file

--configFile ./config.json


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json

-p, --pointcut

Pass pointcut data as JSON strings

-p '[{"methodRegex":"GET|PUT","uriTemplateRegex":"/users*"}]'


> api-mgr:policy:enable [flags] <apiInstanceId> <policyInstanceId>

Enables the policy passed in <policyInstanceId> for the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:policy:list [flags] [apiInstanceId]

Lists all policies for all APIs in API Manager 2.x.
Specify the --apiInstanceId flag to list the policies applied to that API instance. Without the --apiInstanceId flag, the command lists all policies for all APIs.

This command accepts the -m, --muleVersion4OrAbove flag.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:policy:remove [flags] <apiInstanceId> <policyInstanceId>

This command removes the policy specified in <policyInstanceId> from the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:tier:add [flags] <apiInstanceId>

This command creates an SLA tier for the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example

-a, --autoApprove

Indicates whether the SAL tier should be auto-approved
Include the flag to enable it



Tier name

--name muleSLAtier


Tier description

--description tier example description

-l, --limit

Single instance of an SLA tier limit in the form --limit A,B,C where:

  • A is a boolean indicating whether this limit is visible to the user.

  • B is a number of requests per "C" time period.

  • C is the time period unit. Time period options are:

    • ms(millisecond)

    • sec(second)

    • min(minute)

    • hr(hour)

    • d(day)

    • wk(week)

    • mo(month)

    • yr(year)

--limit true,100,min

To create multiple limits, you can provide multiple --limit options.
For example: -l true,100,sec -l false,20,min.


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


> api-mgr:tier:copy [flags] <sourceAPIInstanceId> <targetAPIInstanceId>

Copies the SLA tier from the API instance passed in <sourceAPIInstanceId> to the API instance Id passed in <targetAPIInstanceId>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:tier:delete [flags] <apiInstanceId> <tierId>

This command deletes the SLA tier passed in <tierId> from API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

This command accepts the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> api-mgr:tier:list [flags] <apiInstanceId> [searchText]

This command lists the SLA tiers of the API instance passed in <apiInstanceId>.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Number of results to retrieve

--limit 2


Offsets the amount of APIs passed

--offset 3


Specifies the response format, supported values are table (default) and json

--output json


Sorts the results in the field name passed
Supported values are: id, name, createdDate, and updatedDate

--sort id