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CLI for Local Cluster Servers

Use the cluster commands to automate your Local Cluster Servers Processes. For more information about how to use these commands, refer to the Runtime Manager documentation.

Command Description

Adds server to cluster

Creates new cluster

Describes server cluster

Deletes cluster

Modifies cluster

Lists all clusters in the environment

Removes server from a cluster


> runtime-mgr:cluster:add:server [flags] <clusterId> <serverId>

Adds the cluster in clusterId to the server passed in serverId.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:create <name> [flags]

This command creates a cluster using the id passed in name.

In addition to the the default flags, this command accepts the following flags:

Flag Description Example


Whether cluster should be multicast



Pair of server ID and IP address
IP address is optional for multicast cluster
Provide multiple values to add multiple servers

--server 903083:

This command has multi-option flags. When using multi-option flags in a command, either put the parameter before the flags or use a `-- ` (two dashes followed by a space) before the parameter.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:describe [flags] <clusterId>

Describes the cluster passed in clusterId.

This command accepts the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:delete [flags] <clusterId>

Deletes the cluster passed in clusterId.

This command accepts the default flags.

This command does not prompt twice before deleting. If you send a delete instruction, it does not ask for confirmation.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:list [flags]

Lists all clusters in the environment.

This command has the --output flag. Use the --output flag to specify the response format. Supported values are table (default) and json.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:modify [flags] <clusterId>

Modifies the cluster passed in clusterId.
In order to update the id for the cluster, you need to pass the --name flag.

This command accepts the default flags.


> runtime-mgr:cluster:remove:server [flags] <clusterId> <serverId>

Removes the server passed in serverId from the cluster passed in clusterId.

This command accepts the default flags.