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Using the Builder for Common Customizations

From the Builder, use the following portal customizations to match your company’s brand.

Access the Builder from the Manage your API portal page by clicking Preview and publish your portal.

Add and Remove Portal Components

From the Builder, add or remove API Experience Hub components from your portal.

  1. Navigate to the Builder.

  2. Click the Component icon.

  3. Scroll to Custom Components.

  4. Click a component, for example, API Console and drag it into the portal.

  5. To remove a component, click the trash can icon and click Delete.

Customize Colors for Each API Type

To customize the color for each API type that displays in the Home page:

  1. Navigate to the Builder.

  2. Click the Builder icon.

  3. Click the Settings icon.

  4. Click Advanced.

  5. Click Edit Head Markup.

    The following shows the asset type color variables:

    --asset-type-c-rest-api-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --asset-type-c-http-api-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --asset-type-c-soap-api-color: 0, 0, 0;
    --asset-type-c-evented-api-color: 0, 0, 0;
  6. Change the color variable number for the asset type and click Save.

Change the Background Color of the Login Page

To change the background color of your portal’s login page:

  1. Navigate to the Builder.

  2. Click the Page Properties icon and click Login.

    Your current login page displays in the Builder.

  3. Click the Theme paintbrush icon.

  4. From Theme, click Colors.

  5. From the Login Pages section, select a color from the Background Color color picker.

    The background color of your Login page changes to the select color.

Change the Card Background Color of the Login Page

To change the card background color of your login page card:

  1. Navigate to the Builder.

  2. Click the Page Properties icon and click Login.

    Your current login page displays in the Builder.

  3. Click the Theme paintbrush icon.

  4. From Theme, click Colors.

  5. From the Login Pages section, select a color from the Card Background Color color picker.

    The card background color of your Login page changes to the selected color.

Change the Email Template for Portal Registration

To edit the email information that is sent to users who register for your site:

  1. Navigate to the Builder.

  2. Click the Builder icon.

  3. From My Workspaces, click Administration.

  4. Click Emails

  5. Make your changes and click Save.

Change the Logo Image for Self-Registration and Login Pages

By default, the logo image used for the login pages is the image added during the guided styling setup. To change the image for the login pages:

  1. Navigate to the Builder.

  2. Click the Builder icon.

  3. From My Workspaces, click Administration.

  4. Select Login & Registration.

  5. From the Branding Options section, click the Choose File button from Logo File.

    The maximum height of the logo is 125 px and the maximum width is 250 px.

Customize the Portal Domain

By default, Experience Cloud generates the URL for your portal domain. You can customize the domain for your organization. For example, you can change the URL to <yourcompany>.com. Currently, you cannot change the portal’s subpath of aeh in the URL.

  1. Navigate to the Builder.

  2. Click the Builder icon.

  3. Click Salesforce Setup.

  4. In the Quick find box, enter Domains.

  5. Click your domain name in the Domains list.

  6. Click Edit in the My Domains Details section.

  7. Enter a domain name in the My Domain Name field.

  8. Click the Check Availability button to ensure the domain name does not exist already.

  9. Enter a domain suffix in the Domain Suffix field, for example, *.<>.

    The new domain URL displays in the Your chosen new My Domain URl field.

  10. Click Save.

Configure Feed Component

The Feed component displays a feed of all record or group interactions, including posts, questions, system updates, and attachments.

Specify values for the following properties:



Feed Type

  • Group or Record shows everything that is posted to a selected group or record, for example, an account or opportunity.

  • Discussion feed shows everything that is posted to Navigational Topics.

  • My Feed shows feed items that are tagged with a topic, or a person or record that you follow along with your personal site activity. You see all shared feed items unless another person shared the item with a group that you aren’t a member of. With public groups, you see the feed item that you shared even if you’re not a member.

  • Topic feed shows everything that is posted to a selected topic.

  • User Profile feed shows posts that the member creates or interacts with for example, comments or answers that is posted for user profile feeds.

  • Bookmarks feed shows only bookmarked posts, pool, or questions that is posted for a selected bookmark.

Record ID

Leave this field blank if you pick the Discussion or My Feed options in Feed Type. Typically, this field populates the feed item ID automatically when the page loads.

Default Filter

Select the default filter for feed entries that you want your site members to see.

Post Style

Choose to expand or collapse post comments by default.

Let members search feeds

Choose to let site members search an individual feed.

Let members sort feeds

Choose to let site members sort a feed. When sorting is enabled, members can sort a feed by the latest posts or most recent activity.

Configure Feed Publisher Component

To enable portal members to create posts on groups or records and upload attachments, configure the Chatter Feed Publisher component.

Specify values for the following properties:




Select the type of feed publisher to add to your page. To use global publisher actions defined in your Salesforce organization, choose Global. To use an object-specific publisher layout, choose Record.

Record ID

Leave this field blank if you pick the Global feed publisher type. Typically, this field automatically populates with the record ID when the page loads.

Publisher Layout Design

Select to see the wide or narrow feed publisher layout design.