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Setting Up the API Portal

After connecting to your Salesforce organization, the guided setup takes portal administrators through the process setting up the portal, including creating and styling it using out-of-the-box templates.

You can create a new portal, use an existing portal to create the new portal, or create the portal later. The option to create a new portal uses an existing portal that was disconnected from a Salesforce organization. The new portal uses the styling metadata from the existing portal. Selecting this option from the guided setup enables you to quickly set up the portal without going through the styling process. Because you can have only one Salesforce organization per portal, the existing portal is overwritten with the new portal for that Salesforce organization.

The guided design contains basic styling options for the Home, API Catalog, and API Details pages with a live preview to help you visualize your portal. Each page includes a progress bar to see where you’re in the portal design process.

Styling an API portal includes the following tasks:

  1. Style the Home page

    The Home page is the landing page of your API portal and is also known as the API Carousel. The template includes adding a logo, banner image, org branding, banner title, description of the portal, and footer configuration.

  2. Style the API Catalog

    The APIs page contains the collection of APIs in your portal and is known as the API Catalog. The template includes customizing the colors for each API type like REST and HTTP.

  3. Style the API Details page

    The API Details page displays information about an API. The template includes the name, type of API, owner email address, and a description of the API.

Set Up an API Portal

Set up an API portal by choosing how to create the portal.

  1. From the Set up API portal page of the guided setup, select an option to create the portal:

    1. To create a new portal, click Create new portal.

    2. To create a new portal using an existing portal’s styling selections, click Use existing portal and click Override and create new portal.

    3. To create the portal at later time, click Set up portal later.

Style Your Portal

Follow the guided design and click Next to advance through the steps.

If you refresh the page or leave the guided design, the progress in the guided setup does not persist. You must complete all of the steps again.

Before You Begin

Before styling your portal, you need the following:

  • Image of your company logo

  • Color scheme for the portal

  • Fonts for company branding

  • Image to use as a header for your portal

Style API Portal Homepage

Follow the guided steps to style the homepage:

  1. To add a company logo, drag or upload an image file to Upload company logo.

    The supported file format is PNG, JPEG, SVG, and GIF.

  2. To add a banner image, drag or upload an image file to Select banner image.

    The supported file format is PNG, JPEG, SVG, and GIF.

  3. To brand your org with fonts and colors, from Customize org branding:

    • Select a font style from the drop-down menu.

    • Select a font color for the banner image from the color picker.

    • Select a page background color from the color picker.

  4. To add a title for your portal banner, enter the title in the Enter portal banner title text box.

  5. To add a description for your API portal, enter the description in the Enter portal description text box.

  6. To add a footer text and an URL, enter the footer text and URL in the corresponding text boxes from Configure footer.

  7. Click Next to style the API Catalog.

Style API Catalog

Follow the guided steps to style the API Catalog:

  1. To customize the color of specific APIs, select a color from the color picker for the corresponding API type from Customize colors.

  2. To add a banner title for your API Catalog, enter the title in the Enter API catalog banner title text box.

  3. To add a description for your API Catalog, enter the description in the Enter API catalog description text box.

  4. Click Next to style the API Details page.

Style API Details

Follow the guided steps to style the API Details page:

  1. To show the API owner’s email, enable API Contact from Customize API Information.

  2. To show API Clients applications on the API details page, enable API Clients from Customize API information.

  3. To add a banner title to the API Details page, enter the title in the Enter API detail banner Title text box.

  4. To add a description of the API Details page, enter the description in the Enter API detail description text box.

  5. If you’re not done styling your portal, click Previous to change the styling on previous pages.

  6. If you’re done with styling up your portal, click Save changes.

    The process of saving your styles and creating the portal can take several minutes. You can navigate away from the page.

Default Settings

The following settings are set by default when the portal is created:

  • Self-registration for guest users is enabled by default

  • Status of the portal is active.

Next Steps

Now that your portal is created, you can manage APIs by adding them to the portal, manage users, view settings information, and disconnect a portal from the Manage your portal page.