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Sending Conformance Notifications

You can send notifications automatically by configuring them in the API Governance console or by using Anypoint CLI. You can also send emails manually from the API Governance console.

Each email notification includes:

  • The name of the API that is not conformant

  • Which governance rulesets the API failed

  • Links to open the API in Exchange and to view the code in Design Center

Send Automated Conformance Notifications

Enable and configure the notifications to automatically send email when the latest version of an API becomes non-conformant.

API Governance sends notifications about conformance only when:

  • One or more active profiles targets the API.

  • A valid contact email address is configured for the selected recipient.

  • An API’s conformance status changes to fail because of a change in the API or applied rulesets.

  • The first time a specific version of an API fails conformance to a specific ruleset.

Following are the changes that might result in notifications:

  • Updating an active governance profile, including adding or removing rulesets

  • Publishing a new version of an API

  • Changing tags on an API

  • Updating governance rulesets

  • Activating a draft profile

Enable and Configure Notifications in the Console

To enable and configure conformance notifications in the console:

  1. In the API Governance console, while creating or updating an active profile, use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate to the Notifications page of the profile you want to enable notifications for.

  2. If it’s not already selected, select Enabled for Nonconformance notification.

  3. Select a recipient:

    • API Publisher: Email the API publisher by using the email address specified in the listed Anypoint Platform account

    • API Contact: Email the contact specified in the asset in Exchange

    • Others: Email to a comma-separated list of email addresses

Enable and Configure Notifications Using the CLI

To enable and configure conformance notifications using the CLI, when creating or updating an active profile using the governance create profile or governance update profile commands, use the following options:

--notify-others a@a.a,

You can disable notifications using the governance update profile command with the --notify-off option.

Send Notifications to API Owners Manually

To manually notify API owners for any reason, such as when an API is not conformant or you made changes to the profile, you can send them an email notification directly.

To manually send a notification email to an API owner:

  1. In the API Governance console:

    • To send a notification email to the API owner from a profile, select a governance profile.

    • To send a notification email about a specific API’s conformance, select the APIs tab and view the actions on that API’s summary line.

  2. Click the Notify Owner icon.

  3. Select a recipient:

    • API Publisher: Email the API publisher by using the email address specified in the listed Anypoint Platform account

    • API Contact: Email the contact specified in the asset in Exchange

    • Others: Email to a comma-separated list of email addresses

  4. Review the email text and click Notify Owner.