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Merging Branches

When you merge branches, you combine a target branch with changes from a forked source branch, often called a feature branch. The target branch reflects these changes, and the source branch remains unmodified. You can merge branches within the API Designer interface.

Merge A Branch

  1. In the Design Center Projects list, click a project name to open the text editor. The Merge button appears next to the branch selector component button (if branches have already been created).

  2. Click Merge.

  3. In the Merge branch dialog, select the target branch in the dropdown list of branches.

  4. Expand Advanced Settings.

  5. Select Squash commits.

    Squashing commits compacts the source branch’s commits into a single commit for merging and keeps the target branch’s commit history clean and concise.

  6. To automatically delete the source branch after merging, select Delete branch.

  7. Click Merge.

    After merging, the merge target branch becomes the current branch.

Resolving Merge Conflicts

Merge conflicts arise when either the source branch or the target branch contain changes (commits) that are not in the other branch. When merge conflicts occur, you must choose which branch to bring forward. You can specify the source branch or the target branch.