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Reviewing Processed Documents

After processing a document, IDP queues it for review if:

  • At least one field marked as visible shows a confidence score lower than the configured threshold.

  • At least one field marked as visible and required is missing or could not be extracted.

In this case, a user must review the document to verify the values for the conflicting fields. After the review is finished, the status of the extraction changes to SUCCEEDED.

Before You Begin

Before you can review a document, ensure that:

  • You are assigned as a reviewer in the corresponding document action.

Review a Document in the UI

To review the results of a processed document:

  1. In the navigation panel, click Review Tasks.

  2. Click the name of the document to review.

  3. In the Results panel, verify the values extracted from each field.

    During this step, you can modify the values that require adjustment.

    IDP highlights fields in yellow when the extracted values have a confidence score below the configured threshold.

  4. After reviewing all values, click Submit This Page.

    If there are more than one results page, click Submit and Next and continue the process until you review all pages.