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The REST Connect connector generator converts an API specification (RAML 1.0, OAS2, or OAS3) to a connector that you can use in a Mule application. For more information, see Convert an API specification to a Connector Using REST Connect.
Nov 13, 2024
The mule-oauth-module dependency is upgraded to the latest version (1.1.21) when generating Mule 4 connectors.
Issue Resolution | ID |
Mule 4 generated connectors are now correctly tagged as Java 17 compatible when adding OAuth security to an API spec. |
W-17235949 |
February 6, 2024
The REST Connect connector generator can generate Java 17-compatible connectors. See Upgrading a REST Connect Generated Connector.
Mule 4 connectors generated with REST Connect now support Transport Layer Security (TLS). See Generating Connectors With TLS Support.
Sep 17, 2019
Allow user to decide which logs to show in the Mule app when using a DevKit connector (SE-13197).
Sanitize user input when generating DevKit connectors to avoid security risks (RESTC-770 & RESTC-771).
Fixed several errors that would not allow the user to generate a connector from a valid API spec (SE-12563, SE-13114, SE-12870 & SE-12852).
Aug 26, 2019
Update RAML Parser to its latest version.
Update AMF to its latest version.
Update generated smart connectors HTTP and OAUTH dependencies to its latest versions.
Nov 20, 2018
Added request streaming mode config for Mule 4 Connectors (RESTC-501).
Enhanced multipart support for Mule 3 and Mule 4 Connectors by annotations (RESTC-502).
Added default value support for enums (RESTC-504).
Enhanced sanitization for Java Strings (RESTC-376).
Added a better way of generating temporal JSON schema names.
Added supportability docs.
Added parallel testing for the CI environment in order to speed up builds.
Oct 17, 2018
Specify a default mediaType annotation (RESTC-20).
Handle RAMLs that have parameters with similar names on the generation of Mule 3 connectors (RESTC-280).
Generate pojos correctly when using RAML Parser (RESTC-455 & RESTC-459).
Added support for ApiKey security schemes for OAS (RESTC-479).
Generate nicer and shorter operation names for OData specs (RESTC-480).
Sanitize GAV and string that could break the generated POM.
Added a POM check in order for Rest connect to fail when an invalid POM is generated.
Error generating connector: Multiple entries with same key (RESTC-298).
StackOverflowError with Square API in Mule 3 (RESTC-314).
Error generating Mule 3 Connector for New Relic API (RESTC-345).
Error validating examples for OData OAS spec (RESTC-421).
Default value for Enums causes Dev Kit Connector generation to fail (RESTC-458).
Avoid failing when generating schemas for operations that have long names (RESTC-480).
Rest Connect does not support assets with names with non-latin characters (RESTC-495).
OAuth grants not working when proxy is null (RESTC-507).
Escape paths (SE-9084).
August 24, 2018
This release incorporates the following improvements:
Uses the latest version of AMF (1.8.0)
Adds an annotation that lets users select which security scheme to use for an operation when creating a flow for Smart Connectors
Fixes DevKit connectors signature to work properly
Improves error messages when Rest Connect fails generating Mule 4 connectors
Exchange improvements: Moves error email management to the Rest Connect Service
July 26, 2018
This release incorporates the following improvements:
Implemented conversion for OAS 2.0.
Updated to AMF Parser v1.7.1.
Supporting external files references for JSON and XSD schemas.
Supporting inner references for JSON and XSD schemas.
Set default base path when the RAML does not provide one.
Failing to generate a connector when the API defines a JSON schema using AMF.
Failing to resolve a type defined using a trait when using.
Failing with duplicated parameters.
Failing with elements with the same name within XSD Schemas.
Failing when using two security schemes of the same type.
May 24, 2018
This release includes support for complex multipart requests containing parts with different types. Additionally, it now supports multilevel objects for sending form URL encoded requests.
Added new Resource Loader for AMF parser to support Exchange Modules.
Added support for array of arrays in DevKit connectors. (RESTC-405)
Added support for invalid base URIs. (RESTC-356)
Created JAR files correctly on Windows. (RESTC-330)
Encapsulated POJO generation errors.
Fixed error generating POJOs on Windows. (RESTC-392)
Fixed illegal argument exception. (RESTC-365)
Fixed StringOutOfRange exception.
Moved to AMF parser 1.3.3.
Moved to latest version of Java RAML parser. (RESTC-381)
Removed unused Manifest from Smart Connectors JAR.
Updated Extensions Maven Plugin version to fix packaging in Windows. (RESTC-393)
January 25, 2018
REST Connect v1.2.3 provides the following features:
Added Friendly Name support for operations and parameters by using the operationName and parameterName annotations on the rest-connect library.
Added support for OPTIONS and HEAD HTTP verbs.
Support for placeholders in the baseUri.
Improved error messages for duplicated operations or parameters.
Fixed outOfMemoryError when generating certain Mule 3 connectors.
Fixed error generating Mule3 connector when the RAML included a dot in its title.
Sanitized some property names that could break the build of Mule 3 connectors.
November 18, 2017
Version 1.2.0 supports the following security schemes defined in RAML v1.0:
OAuth2 - Authorization code
Digest authentication
Pass through
October 2, 2017
Version 1.1.0 supports creating Mule 3 connectors. When an API specification publishes to Exchange, REST Connect generates two connectors: one for Mule 4 and the other for Mule 3.
July 28, 2017
Version 1.0.0 provides the following features:
Transforms a RAML 1.0 specification into a connector in Design Center.
Support for unauthorized requests, basic authentication, and OAuth2 (Client Credentials).
Support for query parameters, URI parameters, and headers as input attributes.
Support for metadata defined as RAML datatypes, XML schemas, or JSON schemas.
Inference of operation names given their parameters.
A RAML with the following type definition is not supported:
type: object
type: RecursiveType
description: This modifies the reference and causes a stack overflow error.
No support for connectivity testing in the configuration for Design Center.
REST Connect doesn’t generate friendly names for input attributes.
Connector for Mule 3.x is not supported.
Custom SSL certificates are not supported.