HTTP Caching


July 29, 2022

What’s New

  • The policy definition and policy implementation file are now separate. This enables stronger validations for policy configuration parameters.


May 17, 2022

New Features and Enhancements

  • Flex support for the Policy.


November 10, 2021

Minimum Mule Version

Mule 4.1.0

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where an authentication object was incorrectly cached.


November 20, 2020

Minimum Mule Version

Mule 4.1.0

Fixed issues

  • When upgrading CloudHub Runtime version, policies that have the persistent cache enabled failed to deserialize elements.


Apr 30, 2020

Minimum Mule Version

Mule 4.1.0

Fixed issues

  • A ClassCastException error occurred when another policy added a response header to the payload. This issue is now resolved.


September 12, 2019

Minimum Mule Version


Fixed Issues

  • An Object Store repeatedly fails to store an event, resulting in a stack overflow.


April 26, 2019

Minimum Mule Version


Fixed Issues

  • Previous version incompatible with Mule Runtime 4.2.0 and greater.

  • An error occurred when internal parameters were serialized. This is because these parameters are not serializable.

  • During a cache hit, the loaded event was using the old context, such as event Id and correlation Id), resulting in failed error handling and feedback loop.

Known Issues

  • Upgrading from a previous policy version invalidates the existing cache.

1.0.0 - Deprecated

July 03, 2018


  • v1.0.0 is compatible with v4.1.x and not compatible with v4.2.0 and greater of Mule Runtime.

Minimum Mule Version
