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Configuring Receive Settings for Inbound EDIFACT Messages

Partner Manager receive settings include the EDIFACT acknowledgements and validation rules to apply when processing an inbound EDIFACT message from the specified partner.

To configure EDIFACT receive settings:

  1. In the sidebar, select Partners.

  2. Select the partner to which these settings apply.

  3. In the Validation and acknowledgement settings section’s Receive from <partner-name> column, click EDIFACT.

  4. Select a link to configure:

  5. Click Save.

Your changes can take up to five minutes take effect on the runtime.

Acknowledgment Settings

Optionally configure acknowledgment settings for each Inbound EDIFACT message flow by enabling the Send CONTRL functional acknowledgement when messages fail to route to a message flow setting.

When there is a routing failure, this acknowledgment indicates that the message is rejected.

If you enable one of these options, either select the partner endpoint to which to send the acknowledgments or create a new endpoint for this purpose.

Validation Settings

Select one or more of the following options to ensure that all EDIFACT messages received from the partner meet validation rules:

Setting Description Default

Enforce length limits

  • If selected, Partner Manager rejects a message with values that are too short or long.

  • If not selected, Partner Manager accepts the message.


Enforce value repeats

  • If selected, Partner Manager rejects a message with values that are repeated too many or too few times.

  • If not selected, Partner Manager accepts the message.


Enforce valid characters

  • If selected, Partner Manager rejects a message that contains invalid characters.

  • If not selected, the invalid characters are either ignored or replaced, and Partner Manager accepts the message.


Allow unknown segments

  • If selected, Partner Manager ignores unknown segments.

  • If not selected, Partner Manager rejects a message that contains unknown segments.


Enforce segment order

  • If selected, Partner Manager enables the segment to be reordered.

  • If not selected, Partner Manager rejects a message that contains segments that are out of order.


Allow Unused segments

  • If selected, Partner Manager ignores unused segments.

  • If not selected, Partner Manager rejects a message that contains unused segments.


Enforce segment repeats

  • If selected, Partner Manager rejects a message that contains segments that repeat too many times.

  • If not selected, Partner Manager accepts the message.


If a message does not meet an enabled rule, Partner Manager rejects it.

Partner Manager logs all errors and reports them in the CONTRL acknowledgments.

Control Numbers

Use these settings to apply validations related to your partner or to your use of control numbers within the EDIFACT message:

Setting Description Default

Require unique interchange control number

  • If selected, Partner Manager records the interchange numbers previously processed and rejects duplicate interchange numbers from the same partner, as determined by the interchange sender and receiver identification.

  • If not selected, Partner Manager enables processing of the received interchange to continue.


Require unique message control number

If selected, Partner Manager enforces globally unique message control numbers (UNH01) for received transaction sets.

This configuration requires message control numbers to be unique across all EDIFACT messages received from the same partner and application, as determined by the interchange sender and receiver identification and application codes.
