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API Gateway OAuth2 Client Store


Apr 25, 2024

Minimum Mule Version

Mule 4.2.0

What’s New

  • Client Store is now compatible with Java 17.


Jun 30, 2023

Minimum Mule Version

Mule 4.2.0

Fixed Issues

  • Changed the client retrieval endpoint from contract services. For this change to take effect it must be used in conjunction with runtimes 4.3.0-20230417, 4.4.0-20230417 and Mule OAuth Provider 1.0.11 or newer versions.


May 19, 2022

Minimum Mule Version

Mule 4.2.0

Fixed Issues

  • Updated Mule OAuth Provider module version from 1.0.3 to 1.0.8.


August 04, 2020

Minimum Mule Version

Mule 4.2.0

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed Anypoint Studio integration.