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DataWeave 2.4.0 Release Notes

November 2024

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Apache POI folder used for temporal files is no longer deleted.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

September 2024

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

DataWeave now preserves MimeType properties correctly.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

July 2024

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

The Flat File module now adds the substituteCharacterAsMissingValue reader property.


The Flat File module now adds the fillRedefinesByMaxLength writer property.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

June 2024

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

A exception no longer occurs when writing the same binary input multiple times for JSON and XML formats.


The Excel writer now generates XLSX files using ZIP specification 2.0.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

May 2024

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Internal libraries are now upgraded.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

April 2024

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

The Excel reader no longer reads furigana characters.


Coercion of the third parameter on the ternary function executor now works as expected.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

February 2024

Patch 2.4.0-20240119-20240215

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Performance is now improved when coercing addition and subtraction operations.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

Patch 2.4.0-20240119

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Caching now works correctly when coercing for addition and subtraction operations.


do scope declarations with pattern matching now properly reflect variable names when variables are optimized with common subexpression elimination.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

November 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

The cached function coercion now works correctly for a second time when an argument is constant.


The DataWeave sum function with a single numeric string arg now returns Number type instead of String.


Reading Avro schema with an array of enum type items no longer returns an error.


Inconsistent XML encoding detection no longer occurs between indexed and in-memory parsers.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

October 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

System property com.mulesoft.dw.xml_writer.declareXmlNamespace has been included to manage adding implicit namespaces like xml in the XML writer.


Temporary files are now closed for inputs bigger than 1.5 MB.


Milliseconds information is now preserved when converting the java.util.Date type.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

September 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

An invalid UUID logical type in Avro module now throws an exception as expected.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

July 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Multipart reader performance is enhanced by using the proper input stream implementation.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

June 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Streaming support now works correctly for JSON.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

May 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Closing resources immediately after reading when using text/plain MIME type.


Incorrect trimming of whitespaces no longer occurs when reading XML content.


Fixed splitBy management of large strings so String and Regex options are consistent with each other.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

April 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Added cache Java values evaluation to avoid consuming streams more than once.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

March 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException that occurred when combining the usage of heap memory for internal buffering with a customized buffer size.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

February 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

dw::core::Dates::atBeginningOfWeek now works correctly when the input DateTime is Sunday.


The new com.mulesoft.dw.javaSqlDateToDate system property enables mapping java.sql.Date to Date instead of DateTime.


The Resource already closed exception no longer occurs when using the write function with a value bigger than 1.5MB with Avro format.


Cacheable overloaded functions, such as then, now dispatch to the correct function definition when called multiple times.


The default behavior now works correctly when having a null value coming from the Mule runtime.


High memory usage no longer occurs when using the dw::core::Arrays::divideBy function with an in-memory Array as input.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

January 2023

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

The function dw::core::Dates::atBeginningOfHour now works as expected when an hour is represented as a single digit.


Escaped quote characters now work as expected in CSV Module.


The FlatFile module now provides a reader property, retainEmptyStringFieldsOnParsing, for handling fields that lack values. When set to true, this property makes the reader retain these fields and set their values to an empty string. The default behavior of the reader is to remove those fields.


Data payloads without line breaks no longer work when using lenient as the recordParsing property. The other options to recordParsing support records that lack line breaks. noTerminator is preferred for fixed-length records that lack a line break.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

November 2022

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Issue Resolution ID

onNull functions now work as expected.


Instead of returning an empty array in some scenarios, iterating flat file arrays now work as expected.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

September 2022

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Description Issue

Visual Studio Code extension no longer breaks with binary input format in the test scenario inputs directory.


Namespace is now added on elements when previously used at a deeper structure level.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

August 2022

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The August Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Description Issue

The message for the StackOverflow script compilation error is no longer hidden.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

July 2022

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The July Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Description Issue

Writing binary values with the JSON writer no longer outputs the base of the values.


This release fixes Avro property handling.


This release improves handling of streams that do not declare a size.


Fix write function so Avro format can be handled.


This release improves handling of string values in XML format.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

June 2022

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The June Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Description Issue

DataWeave now parses Java objects without errors.


The text/plain reader now correctly ignores the byte order mark (BOM). The JSON writer now uses the encoding information available in Binary values when writing them as String values instead of using the writer configuration encoding. To restore the previous behavior, enable the system property com.mulesoft.dw.decode_binaries_with_writer_encoding.


Multiline string indentation on YAML now works correctly.


The FlatFile module now includes the allowLenientWithBinaryNotEndElement property to support existing behavior.


Fixed ClassCastException in multipart module.


DataWeave now shows a descriptive error when there is an unsupported output mime type.


The indexed XML reader no longer adds unnecessary text fields to XML objects.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

March 2022

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The March Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Description Issue

A direct memory error no longer occurs when the com.mulesoft.dw.directbuffer.disable system property is enabled.


Duplicate declarations for namespace prefixes in XML no longer occur.

W-10648792 / DW-1081

Exceptions are no longer thrown due to use of the default operator with fromBase64.

W-10648825 / SE-23812

Avro unions with enums are now supported.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

February 2022

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The February Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Description Issue

An endless loop issue no longer occurs when writing a CSV file with bufferSize=0.


Creating sample files using the binary type no longer causes an error.


Corrected the documentation of the`Periods::between` function.


Upgraded some dependencies, including avro and jackson, and removed unused AWS dependencies (#1673).


Upgraded the edi-parser with SLF4J.


Performing transformations from avro to other formats no longer causes an exception when the enum type field is present.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

January 2022

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The January Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Description Issue

Flow retyping inside dynamic functions now works as expected.


DataWeave no longer incorrectly sets autostreaming.


The UnsupportedTypeCoercionToLiteralException error is now caught when using the similar operator (~=).


JSON streaming now works correctly.


The AttributeDelegate function no longer causes a stack overflow error.


Removing objects by property name now works as expected.


When using arrays, the XML writer properly keeps namespaces.


DataWeave now correctly parses large strings in JSON transformations.


A Scatter Gather issue that caused DataWeave to throw the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error no longer occurs.


Comparison operators for dateTime type now work as intended.


Local variable resolution now works as expected.


Avoid closing resources prematurely when using the write function, which affects MUnit tests.


Fix OutOfMemory error using writeLinesWith function, which affected the ndjson module.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

November 2021

DataWeave 2.4.0 is bundled with the Mule 4.4.0 release. The November Mule patch release addresses the following DataWeave issues:

Description Issue

Fixed a ClassCastException that occurred in the Avro module by correcting its generated MIME type.


Comments within YAML files processed in Mule applications are no longer erased.


You can now disable the removal of self-referencing implicit variables.


DataWeave now allows mixed content structures (text and nodes) when reading and writing XML content.


Functions in the Dates module now accept one-digit numbers for months and days.


Improved the performance of splitting functionality.


Improved the performance of the JSON module.


For details about the Mule release and patch updates, see Mule Runtime Engine 4.4.0 Release Notes.

October 5, 2021

DataWeave is the programming language designed by MuleSoft for data transformation. It is also the expression language Mule runtime engine uses to configure components and connectors.

For more detail, see DataWeave Language.

What’s New

The 2.4.0 version of DataWeave introduces new features and enhancements.

Release notes for previous versions of DataWeave are available within Mule Runtime Release Notes.

New Features

  • Ability to read larger-than-memory strings automatically. When you are using the indexed reader strategy and processing a string with a size larger than 1.5 MB, DataWeave automatically splits the value in chunks to avoid out-of-memory issues. Related reader properties include com.mulesoft.dw.max_memory_allocation and com.mulesoft.dw.buffered_char_sequence.enabled. Refer to Indexed Readers in DataWeave.

  • New reader and writer properties for working with data formats. For example, the XML writer now enables you to define namespaces at the root level.

  • Many new modules, functions, types, annotations, and variables. Some are experimental and subject to change in future releases.

For additional detail, see What’s New in DataWeave


A number of DataWeave functions are overloaded to introduce new helper functions for handling null values, including:

  • Core:

    • entriesOf

    • namesOf

    • keysOf

    • valuesOf

    • replace

    • --

    • contains

    • sizeOf

    • endsWith

    • joinBy

    • scan

    • splitBy

    • startsWith

    • matches

    • match

  • Arrays:

    • countBy

    • sumBy

    • divideBy

    • take

    • drop

    • slice

    • indexWhere

    • splitAt

    • takeWhile

    • dropWhile

    • splitWhere

    • partition

    • firstWith

  • Strings:

    • charCode

    • charCodeAt

    • fromCharCode

    • repeat

The default operator no longer captures null function calls because the functions themselves now manage the null value. Uses of these functions with the default operator might behave unexpectedly for this reason.


The following table specifies which version of DataWeave is bundled with each Mule runtime engine release:

Mule Version DataWeave Version

























Fixed Issues

The following table lists bug fixes that are specific to the initial release of DataWeave 2.4.0. This release also incorporates all fixes to DataWeave, including patch updates through the September 2021 release, that are listed in Mule Runtime 4.3.0 Release Notes.

Description Issue

Added the writeDeclaredNamespaces XML writer property to write all declared namespaces in the root element.


Added the writeDeclaration YAML writer property to avoid writing the header declaration.


Added a new Strings module for easier string data management.


Added the constant folding functionality so that DataWeave replaces operations involving constant values with the actual result. For example, 1024*8 is replaced at compile time with the resulting value 8192.


Added flow retyping to the type system, which enables better accuracy within flow-control structures featuring checks that involve typing.


Added code inspectors so that quick fixes are suggested with best practices, such as replacing null checks with a default expression, or replacing sizeOf() == 0 with isEmpty().


Added an inspection to replace using with do blocks.


Improved error messages when creating Java objects.


Improved performance on floating point number parsing by identifying in advance if the number has a floating point or not.


Extended the common subexpression elimination process to work with index selectors.


Added functions that work with null values to the Core, Arrays, and String modules.


Improved JSON performance by copying bytes from input to output directly during JSON-to-JSON data transformations.


Improved YAML support of scalar types, string quotations, custom tags, and comment retention.


Added the filterTree function to the Tree module to be able to filter any data structure.


Added validations for index tokens in CSV format.


Added support for the Java classes OptionalInt, OptionalDouble and OptionalLong.


Added support for file:/example/file.txt as a valid URL.


Added warning when using the design-time only format application/dw without dataOnly mode.


Added experimental run and eval functions to dynamically execute scripts.


Added the concept of optional function parameters in the type system.


Improved CSV streaming to avoid unnecessary processing.


Improved the mapObject function to avoid unnecessary processing.


Improved the flatten function to avoid unnecessary processing.


Improved code validation. Now an error returns when a variable is using the same name as an input.


Improved the precision of math operations and added a property to retain the previous behavior: com.mulesoft.dw.math.exact_precision.


Improved handling of big XML files to fix potential I/O exceptions.


Fixed error locations when scripts feature dynamic string selectors.


Fixed a false negative error message when using multiple union types.


The write function return types are now consistent with input types.


The update operator no longer fails when working with repeated keys and attributes.


Processing of XML documents with comments and streaming enabled now works as expected.


DataWeave no longer fails to parse a single key-value pair with a conditional and parentheses.


The type system now validates overloaded functions as parameters.


Parallel processing on ndjson now works as expected.


Fixed a materialization and streaming failure.


Fixed the behavior of the slice function.


Fixed the ability to import namespaces from external modules.


DataWeave now produces the error Division by Zero when dividing by 0.0 instead of an internal exception.


DataWeave now properly validates that do blocks do not contain any reserved word declaration.


Running flatten on flatten no longer causes loss of values.


The update operator now works when no attribute is defined.


Improved handling of binary data to prevent running out of memory when calculating sizes of processed data.


The com.mulesoft.dw.coercionexception.verbose property no longer logs data from coercion exceptions.


Using nested binary functions no longer produces a StackOverflow error.


DataWeave no longer returns UnsupportedOperationException when parsing an invalid script.


Fixed a potential IndexOutOfBoundException when using overloaded functions with four parameters.


Added support for dumping Flat File and Avro schemas when com.mulesoft.dw.dump_files is enabled.


Improved code compilation. Implicit inputs are not added if a variable with the same name is explicitly defined.



For upgrades to the 2.4.0 version of DataWeave, which is bundled within Mule runtime engine, see Upgrading Mule Runtime Engine (Versions 4.x to 4.n).