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Anypoint Runtime Fabric 1.x.x Release Notes

The following are release notes for Runtime Fabric v1.x.x.

The latest downloadable package versions are displayed in the Runtime Fabric downloads page, located in Anypoint Runtime Manager in the Runtime Fabrics tab. A link to each package’s release notes is provided.

For additional information on cluster-level component (installer package) upgrades, refer to Anypoint Runtime Fabric Installer Release Notes. Make sure to perform a cluster-level component upgrade if a new version of the installer package is available. Refer to Upgrade Runtime Fabric for more information.

Refer to the Anypoint Security Edge Release Notes for updates regarding the internal load balancer.

Complete Runtime Fabric documentation is available at Anypoint Runtime Fabric documentation.

Starting September 2022, agent releases for Runtime Fabric appliance distributions will continue on the v1.x.x line. Runtime Fabric agent releases on the v2.0.0 line apply only to partner platforms (both Kubernetes and VMs/Bare Metal).

Runtime Fabric agent 1.13.112 and later should only be used with (rtf-installer) versions 2.0.1661808686-2ff0e92 or later.


June 30, 2023

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

This release includes several security fixes.


The Applications dashboard now automatically picks up a series of values and updates the dashboard view correctly.



January 23, 2023

What’s New

  • The use of custom Log4j appenders is now disabled by default in Runtime Fabric. See Integrating with Your Logging System Using Log4j for more information on enabling and using Log4j appenders.

  • This release includes security fixes.

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v1.13.112

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.48

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.62

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v1.2.5

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.2.74

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.76

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.102

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.1:v1.2.15

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.92

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.76

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

This release contains security fixes.


Grafana dashboards no longer show inaccurate data for application graphs.


Agent disconnect issue no longer occurs after upgrading to the latest version.


Edge in Runtime Fabric gravity appliance now initializes in http-only mode.


The core pricing metrics error disabled due to missing asset_id configuration no longer occurs in Runtime Fabric.


Monitoring sidecar no longer produces error logs.



November 17, 2022

What’s New

  • You can now use a Log4j appender to integrate your logging system with applications deployed to Runtime Fabric. See Integrating with Your Logging System Using Log4j for more information.

  • You can now dynamically apply log levels when deploying apps on Runtime Fabric.

  • This release upgrades Fluent Bit to version 1.2.83 for external log forwarding.

  • This release includes security fixes.

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v1.13.91

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.44

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.40

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v1.2.2

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.2.75

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.73

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.98

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.1:v1.2.9

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.88

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.70

Fixed Issues

Description Issue

This release contains a security fix.


The Runtime Fabric agent no longer reports an OOM Killer process.


Persistence gateway pod replicas are no longer incorrectly scheduled on the same node.


Known Issues

Known Issue Workaround ID

This upgrade includes a runtime log format change which may impact Anypoint Monitoring log forwarding.

Refer to the MuleSoft Knowledge Base for a workaround.



August 3, 2022

What’s New

  • This release adds supports for Kubernetes version 1.23 on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

  • This release upgrades Fluent Bit to version 1.8.14 for external log forwarding.

  • Reported security vulnerabilities are now fixed.

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v1.13.54

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.30

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.26

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v1.1.63

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.2.61

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.51

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.74

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.1:v1.1.37

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.71

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.51

Fixed Issues

Description Issue

The Runtime Fabric agent no longer restarts after an upgrade because of a WebSocket connection failure.


Runtime Fabric services running in EKS clusters now refresh service tokens as expected.


This release contains security fixes for Runtime Fabric components.


Kubernetes Support

This version of Runtime Fabric on Self-Managed Kubernetes supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.19.x

  • 1.20.10 or later patch versions on 1.20.x

  • 1.21.3 or later patch versions on 1.21.x

  • 1.22.x

  • 1.23.x (on AKS only)


June 2, 2022

What’s New

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v1.13.6

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.51

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.2.49

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.59

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.1:v1.1.29

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.20

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v1.1.48

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.21

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.61

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.29

Fixed Issues

Description Issue

Nodes no longer show incorrect CPU values after an upgrade to 1.13.6 or later.



May 24, 2022

What’s New

  • You can now use Helm to install and upgrade Runtime Fabric on Self-Managed Kubernetes. Refer to Installing Runtime Fabric on Self-Managed Kubernetes Using Helm for instructions.

    Note that Helm upgrades are not available for existing installations that used the rtfctl command line tool.

  • This release adds support for Kubernetes version 1.22.x for Runtime Fabric on Self-Managed Kubernetes. This Kubernetes version removes several deprecated APIs. See Kubernetes Support for a full list of supported Kubernetes versions.

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v1.13.0

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.51

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.2.49

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.59

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.1:v1.1.29

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.20

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v1.1.48

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.21

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.61

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.29

Fixed Issues

Description Issue

The rtfctl backup command for Runtime Fabric on VMs / Bare Metal, now correctly backs up ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding for the external log forwarder.


This release corrects an issue in which the control plane reported a mismatch in agent versions.


This release contains security fixes for all Runtime Fabric components.


This release adds TCP keep-alive processing to ingress inbound connections.


Anypoint Security Edge logs are now written to both file and stdout.


Anypoint Security Edge logs are now rotated.


Known Issues

Known Issue Workaround ID

If you plan to rollback to a version earlier than 1.13.0, and you have Anypoint Monitoring log forwarder enabled, you must disable it before you trigger the rollback. You can re-enable it after the rollback completes.



Kubernetes Support

This version of Runtime Fabric on Self-Managed Kubernetes supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.19.x

  • 1.20.10 or later patch versions on 1.20.x

  • 1.21.3 or later patch versions on 1.21.x

  • 1.22.x