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Document Processing

The document processing action steps enable you to extract data from documents and translate text by using the Amazon Translate and Amazon Textract services.

To use these action steps, you need an active subscription to AWS.

  • Credentials For AWS

    The Credentials for AWS action step enables you to set up your AWS credentials one time and then reference them in any other AWS action step that requires them.

  • Entitites With AWS

    The Entities with AWS action step enables you to use Amazon Comprehend to inspect text for named entities and return information about them.

  • ERP Docs With AWS

    The ERP Docs with AWS enables you to use Amazon Textract to analyze invoices and receipts to extract relevant data.

  • Key Values With AWS

    The Key values with AWS action step enables you to extract form data by sending a local file to the AWS Textract service, which returns the extracted key-value pairs.

  • OCR With AWS

    The OCR with AWS action step enables you to recognize the text in a document by sending a local file to the AWS Textract service, which returns the extracted values.

  • Queries With AWS

    The Queries with AWS Action Step enables you to extract specific data from a document by specifying a query parameter so that the response contains the data you need, without having to apply further filtering on the JSON output to get the relevant values.

  • Tables With AWS

    The Tables with AWS action step enables you to recognize the text values inside a table by sending a local file to the AWS Textract service, which returns the extracted values.

  • Translate With AWS

    The translate with AWS action step enables you to use the Amazon Translate service to translate the specified text.