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Excel Session

Excel Session is an element that encompasses all Excel operations. Excel operations include the reading, modification, and creation of entire files and file elements in the Excel format. Excel Session supports reading and writing password protected Excel files.

In Excel Session you define which Excel files to open, their location, and how to use them. Use other action steps within Excel Session to process the information from the Excel files.

Excel Session opens the Excel files at the beginning of the execution and closes them at the end of the session. An Excel Session may contain a maximum of one embedded Excel Session.

To execute a loop across all the elements in a row or column in an Excel file, use the Excel Controlled Loop Actions Step.

Never set an Excel Session inside a loop to achieve this result because it negatively impacts performance.

Using Excel operations does not require having Microsoft Excel installed on the computer.


Destination Excel Operation Settings

The Destination Excel Operation Settings are only relevant if you have selected the mode Read from source and write to different file.

  • Create destination file (Bool, default: False) Determines whether the destination file should be created if it doesn’t exist already.

  • Destination file name (string, no default) Name of the destination file, i.e. the file that will be written.

  • Different destination directory path for workflow run If the option Use different destination directory path for workflow run is activated, the alternative destination directory specified here is used at runtime.

  • Different destination file name for workflow run If the option Use different destination file name for workflow run is activated, the alternative file name is used at runtime.

  • Directory Path (string, default: %STWS_BASEPATH%)Path to the directory where the destination file is located

Only a single file name is used for the destination file, regardless of whether a different directory path is used at the time of execution compared to the time of design.

  • Sheet name to be added (string, no default) Name of the sheet that is to be added to the destination file

  • Use different destination directory path for workflow run If this option is activated, an alternative path is used at runtime.

  • Use different destination file name for workflow run If this option is activated, an alternative file name is used at runtime.

Excel Operation Settings

  • Operation mode (drop-down selection, default: Read only) Type of Excel Operation. There are three different modes available:

    • Read only The source file is read only and cannot be modified

    • Read and write to the same file The source file is read and can be modified

    • Read from source and write to different file The source file is read but cannot be modified. Furthermore, a destination file is opened and this is where changes are made.

Source Excel Operation Settings

  • Different source directory path for workflow run (string, no default) If Use separate source directory path for Execution is selected, the path specified here will be used as the path to the directory in which the source file is located.

  • Different source file name for workflow run If the option Use different source file name for workflow run is activated, the alternative file name is used at runtime.

  • Directory Path (string, default: %STWS_BASEPATH%)Path to the directory where the source file is located

  • Source file name (string, no default) Name of the source file. The file to read and write to when using the Read and write to the same file mode.

  • Use different source directory path for workflow run (Bool, default: False) Determines whether to use a different source directory when executing the Workflow instead of the directory used during design.

  • Use different source file name for workflow run (Bool., default: False) Determines whether to use an alternative file name when running the workflow instead of the draft name.

Inbound Variables

  • DirectoryPathSource

  • FileNameSource

  • Separate source

  • DirectoryPathDestination

  • FileNameDestination

  • CreateDstIfNotExists

  • SheetToBeCreated

Outbound Variables

This action step has no outbound variables.


Use the Operation Mode section to choose whether to only read the Excel file, read and modify, or read and then write to a different Excel file.

The Source file is the file to read. Specify the path to the directory where the source file is located in the Directory path field, either manually or using Environment and Script Variables, the file explorer, or a Pin Variable.

Specify the file to open in the File name field, either manually, using the file explorer, or a Pin Variable.

To specify a different file to use at execution time than the one used during creation, select Use different source file name for workflow run. In this case, the file names and extensions must be identical and you must specify both.

If the Excel file requires a password, select Excel file is password protected and specify the password to open the file.

Select Create Excel file if it doesn’t exist to create the Excel file if the specified file name does not exist in the directory path.

You can use a second file as the Destination file. In this case, the source file is read-only and you cannot modify it. The destination file is for storing information. If the destination file does not exist, Excel Session creates it if you select Create destination file if it doesn’t exist.

To specify a separate dynamic Excel file to use during the execution, select Use different source file name for workflow run and specify the file in the Different file name field, either manually, using the file explorer, or with a Pin Variable.