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Extract Images from PDF File

With this action step, you can extract images from a PDF file.


File Settings

Directory Path (String) The path to the folder in which the PDF file is located.

File Name (String) The name of the PDF file.

Password protected (Boolean) This indicates whether the PDF document is to be opened with a password.

Images Extraction Mode

Extract images from page (Integer) The images are extracted from the PDF file from this page onward.

Extract images to end of file (Boolean) If this option is selected, all images up to the end of the PDF file are extracted.

Extract images to page (Integer) The images are extracted from the PDF file up to this page.

Images Extraction Mode The property displays which of the three modes for extraction of images has been selected.

Images Extraction Settings

Create directory if it does not exist (Boolean) If this option is selected and there is no folder, a target folder is created automatically and the images are saved in it.

Name prefix (String) The prefix for the name of the image.

Overwrite existing files with same name (Boolean) If this option is selected, files with the same name are overwritten.

Save extracted images in (String) Indicates in which file format the images are saved, PNG or JPEG.

Save extracted images to (String) Specifies the path in which the extracted images are to be saved.

Start number of name suffix (Integer) A number is used as a suffix in the name of each image. The start number is displayed here and this is used to count the first image. The number of each additional image increases by 1.

Inbound Variables

Directory Path (String) The path to the folder in which the PDF file is located.

File Name (String) The name of the PDF file.

Password (Boolean) This indicates whether the PDF document is to be opened with a password.

Extract images from page (Integer) The images are extracted from the PDF file from this page onward.

Extract images to page (Integer) The images are extracted from the PDF file up to this page.

Save extracted images to (String) Specifies the path in which the extracted images are to be saved.

Name prefix (String) The prefix for the name of the image.

Start number of name suffix (Integer) A number is used as a suffix in the name of each image. The start number is displayed here and this is used to count the first image. The number of each additional image increases by 1.

Outbound Variables

The Extract Images from PDF File action step has no outbound variables.


Images Extraction Mode displays various options for extracting the images:

  • Extract all images All images are extracted from the PDF file.

  • Extract from page range All images from a defined starting page up to and including a defined ending page are extracted. If you select the option “Extract to end of file”, all images up to the last page of the document are extracted.

    Extract from selected area The images are extracted from a specific area of the PDF document.

    A Define area button opens the selected PDF document in a dialog and you can select the required area using the mouse. You can only define an area within a single page.

If you click on the Save button, the window closes and you return to the wizard. If you now click on the Test button, the image is saved in the folder you selected under Save extracted images to.