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Read PDF File

With the Read PDF File action step, you can read text from a PDF file.


  • File Settings

    • Directory Path (String): Path to the folder in which the PDF file is located.

    • File Name (String): Name of the PDF file.

    • Password protected (Boolean): Select this option if the PDF file is password protected.

  • Read Mode

    • Read form field data and annotations: Select this option to read data from form fields and annotations in the PDF file.

    • Read Mode: Read mode for the PDF document. Available modes: Read entire file, Read page range, and Read text in selected area.

    • Read text from page (Integer): Read the file starting from this page.

    • Read text to page (Integer): Read the file up to this page.

    • Read to end of file (Boolean): Read until the end of the file.

Inbound Variables

  • Directory Path

  • File Name

  • Password

  • Read text from page

  • Read text to page

Outbound Variables

  • ReadText (String): The content of the text that is read.

  • Form field data (JSON): The form field data extracted from the file as key-value pairs.

  • Annotations (String): The annotations extracted from the file.


The wizard is split into two areas File Settings and Read Mode.

In the File Settings, you specify the path to the folder in which the file is located and the name of the file.

In the Read Mode area, there are various modes available for reading a PDF file:

  • With Read entire file, the entire text of the document is read.

  • With Read page range, you can specify a specific range that is to be read. If the option Read to end file is selected, the PDF is read to the end.

  • With Read text in selected area, you can read the text from a selected area in the document.

    For this, you must select a PDF file under File Settings. Then click on Define Area and the PDF is opened in a separate window.

Here you can select the required area using the mouse.

When you have selected the area, close the window with Save.

If you have selected an area to be read with one of the various Read Modes, you can use the Test button at the bottom right of the wizard in the action step to display the result.