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Append to Array

Use this action step to append a value to an existing array variable.


The Append to Array action step contains the common properties Description, Error Handling, and Name.

Inbound Variables

  • Array to be extended

    The base array to extend.

  • Array to append

    The array to append to the base array.

    Use the wizard to specify a single value, or an array of values, or to map a variable. When manually defining the array elements, use the comma (,) to separate the values. If you define strings that contain commas, enclose the strings with quotes ("). For example, "Hello, this is a single value", This is another value, testValue.

Outbound Variables

  • New Array Count

    Outputs the total number of elements in the base array after appending the data.

  • Appended Element Count

    Outputs the number of elements appended to the base array.