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Starting Automation of Approved Processes

The Team Backlog view contains a list of all evaluated processes for which you can claim or reject responsibility as member of a center of excellence.

If you claim a process, it is moved to your My Backlog view of the My RPA module.

Your My Backlog view also contains processes approved directly to you as a project manager.

You can start the automation of a process as a project manager from your backlog.

Before You Begin

  • Ask an organization administrator in Access Management to assign you the required permissions:

    Action RPA Permission Deprecated RPA Permission

    Start the automation of a process.

    RPA Automations Designer, RPA Automations Contributor, RPA Automations Manager, RPA Administrator

    Process Automation Open, Process Create

  • If there is no fitting category for the process in the Process Management view of the Process Automation module, create a new one.

Claim a Process

Claim a process to assume the project manager role for the automation of this process. The process is moved to the My Backlog view of the My RPA module.

  1. Open the Team Backlog view of the My RPA module

  2. Click the icon Claim.

Create a Process Project

Create a project for the process that contains administrative data.

On the Settings tab, you enter general data that is required for running the Process. This includes team members and applications for execution of the Process.

On the Process Costs tab, you enter data with which you can calculate the costs and the break-even point of the process automation. This data is required in the Finance Analysis view in the Process Operations module.

  1. Open the My Backlog view of the My RPA module.

  2. Click the icon Start automation.

  3. Complete the form Create process:

    • Setting:

      • Process Owner:

        User who proposed the process for automation via a process evaluation.

      • Required Applications for Process:

        Select all applications here that are required to carry out the process. All applications that have been created in the Process Applications view of the Process Automation module are displayed in the drop-down list and can be removed from the input field by clicking the X. It is important to select all required applications here to ensure that the process can only be implemented subsequently by robots that can use these applications.

      • Process Team:

        The process team is a group of employees who work together on execution of the process automation. Select all team members from the text selection field. Then, by selecting the relevant checkboxes in the table, you can authorize the team members to work on the processes in the various phases. By default, each team member has authorization to transfer the process from their own phase to the next phase. If approval for the next phase is only to be carried out by specific team members, then select the checkbox Advanced Permissions to assign authorizations for approval separately. All team members have read access to the project in all phases. The project manager is always part of the team and also always has all authorizations. If the checkbox Advanced Permissions is deselected, the values of this column are no longer taken into account. In that case, only that user who has authorization to work on a phase can transfer the Process to the next phase.

      • Category:

        A category describes the environment of a process in a few keywords. Choose a category from the list.

      • Use Process Board:

        Select this checkbox to use a process board. Process boards contain administrative process tasks. The tasks transition from To-do via In progress to Completed.

        If you deselect this checkbox, the previous tasks remain, but are no longer displayed and are no longer considered for phase transitions.

        As soon as you select the checkbox again, the tasks are displayed and taken into account again.

      • Create automatic Phase Release Tasks:

        Select this checkbox to create automatic phase release tasks.

        Phase changes can only be made if the corresponding task has reached the status Completed.

    • Process Costs:

      • Initial Investment for the Process Automation:

        The initial investment for the acquisition of the MuleSoft RPA solution and the necessary infrastructure is required for the finance analysis.

  4. Click Save

Reject a Process Project

Reject processes that were approved to the wrong center of excellence. The process is removed from the My Backlog or the Team Backlog view in the My RPA module and appears with status Rejected in the Process Evaluation view in Process Evaluation module.

  1. Open the My Backlog or the Team Backlog view of the My RPA module.

  2. Click the icon Reject.