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Proposing a Process Candidate for Automation

You evaluate a process candidate to propose it for automation.

Before You Begin

  • Ask an organization administrator in Access Management to assign you the required permissions:

    Action RPA Permission Deprecated RPA Permission

    Open the Process Evaluation module and view only processes that you have created yourself, that is, for which you are the process owner.

    RPA Evaluations Viewer, RPA Evaluations Contributor, RPA Evaluations Manager, RPA Administrator

    Process Evaluation Open

    Display all processes in the Process Evaluation view.

    RPA Evaluations Viewer, RPA Evaluations Contributor, RPA Evaluations Manager, RPA Administrator

    Global Process Evaluation View

    Create, edit, and delete evaluations.

    RPA Evaluations Contributor, RPA Evaluations Manager, RPA Administrator

    Process Evaluation Administration

    Open the Evaluation Templates view.

    RPA Evaluations Viewer, RPA Evaluations Contributor, RPA Evaluations Manager, RPA Administrator

    Evaluation Templates Open

    Create, change, and delete evaluation criteria.

    RPA Evaluations Contributor, RPA Evaluations Manager, RPA Administrator

    Evaluation Template Create, Evaluation Template Edit, Evaluation Template Delete

  • Create appropriate categories in the view Process Management in the module Process Automation.

    Learn how to manage categories.

Manage Process Evaluations

Process evaluations assess the feasibility and benefits of a process’s automation.

Create a Process Evaluation

Create a process evaluation to propose a process candidate for automation:

  1. In the Process Evaluation view of the Process Evaluation module click Create.

  2. Complete the form Create Evaluation.

  3. Click OK

  4. Complete the form Process Evaluation:

    • Manual process execution time:

      Time that an employee requires to carry out the process once. In the list of evaluated processes, the value Manual process execution time is multiplied by the value Frequency per month to calculate the value Effort/month.

    • Costs per process run:

      Costs for a one-time execution of the process. In the list of evaluated processes, the value Costs per process Run is multiplied by the value Effort/month to calculate the Costs/month value.

    • Frequency per month:

      Number of times the process is carried out within a one-month period. This field can only be completed if a value exists in the Manual process execution time field. In the list of evaluated processes, the value Frequency per month is multiplied by the value Manual process execution time to calculate the Effort/month value.

    • Category:

      A category describes the environment of a process in a few keywords. Choose a category from the list.

    • Qualifiers/Benefits:

      Drag the slider to the appropriate values. Exclude unnecessary criteria.

  5. Click Save

Edit a Process Evaluation

Edit a process evaluation to correct errors:

  1. In the Process Evaluation view of the Process Evaluation module, click Edit (pen-to-paper symbol) in the row of the evaluation to edit.

  2. Edit the form Process Evaluation.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a Process Evaluation

Delete process evaluations that you no longer need:

  1. In the Process Evaluation view of the Process Evaluation module, click Delete (trash symbol) in the row of the evaluation to delete.

  2. Confirm the deletion.