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Configuring LDAP in Anypoint Platform Private Cloud

Configure user management using LDAP version 3 for Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition (Anypoint PCE). User management through LDAP is available only for Anypoint PCE.

  1. From Anypoint Platform, click Access Management > External Identity.

    A form for configuring LDAP appears.

  2. In the LDAP configuration form, set the connection settings for your LDAP service.

    • Host

      The host name of your LDAP server. If you are using TLS in your ldap server, use ldaps:// use this host name: ldap://

    • Port

      The port used to communicate to your LDAP server. The default ldap port is 389. The default ldaps port is 636.

    • Self-Signed Cert

      Mark this check box if you are using a self-signed certificate on your LDAP server. Use a Self-Signed certificate for testing your connection to the LDAP server.

    • Bind DN

      The distinguished names for the user making the LDAP queries. For example, uid=admin,ou=people,dc=mulesoft,dc=com.

    • Password

      The password for the LDAP server. For example,examplepassphrase.

    • Connection Timeout

      The timeout frame (in seconds) for a connection. For example, 10.

    • Operation Timeout

      The timeout frame (in milliseconds) for an operation. For example, 30000.

  3. Set up search bases and filters

    • User

      The base level for your user search base object. For example, uid=admin,dc=mulesoft,dc=com.


      The base level for your groups search base object. For example, ou=groups,dc=mulesoft,dc=com.

  4. Set the distinguished names for your user and group

    • User

      The distinguished name for your user search base object. For example,uid={{username}},ou=people.dc=mulesoft,dc=com.

    • Group

      The distinguished name for your groups search base object. For example, ou=groups,dc=mulesoft,dc=com.

    • Search filters

      • User by Username

        The search filter to find users by user name. For example, (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={{username}})).

      • User by Email

        The search filter to find users by email. For example, (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(mail={{email}})).

      • Group by GroupName

        The search filter to find groups by groupName. For example, (&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn={{groupName}})).

      • User’s Groups by Username

        The search filter to find user groups by userName. For example, (&objectClass=GroupOfNames)(member=uid={{username}},ou=people,dc=mulesoft,dc=com)).

  5. Map the User fields

    • Username

      Field that represents the user name. For example, uid.

    • Email

      Field that represents the email. For example, mail.

    • First Name

      Field that represents the first name. For example, givenName.

      Last Name

      Field that represents the last name. For example, sn.

    • ID

      ID for your user. For example, uid.

  6. Map the group fields

    • Group Name

      Field that represents your Group name. For example,cn.

    • ID

      Field that represents your groups Id. For example, bcd6b4c4-aec5-4493-be1b-8e2e8eecf662.

  7. Save the configuration.