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Publishing the API Spec to Anypoint Exchange

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Open Beta Release: The cloud IDE and AsyncAPI implementation support are in open beta. Any use of Anypoint Code Builder in its beta state is subject to the applicable beta services terms and conditions, available from the IDE.

Publish American Flights API specification to Exchange so that other team members can find and implement it.

Before You Begin

  • Have some familiarity with business groups.

    When you publish your API spec to Exchange from Anypoint Code Builder, the IDE requests the name of the business group. See Business Groups.

Publish an API to Exchange

To publish your API to Exchange:

  1. In Anypoint Code Builder, open the specification for your American Flights API project, such as american-flights-api.raml.

  2. Open the Command Palette.

    Show me how
    • Use the keyboard shortcuts:

      • Mac: Cmd+Shift+p

      • Windows: Ctrl+Shift+p

    • In the desktop IDE, select View > Command Palette.

    • In the cloud IDE, click the (menu) icon, and select View > Command Palette.

  3. Provide the following command:

    MuleSoft: Publish API Specification to Exchange
    MuleSoft: Publish API Specification to Exchange highlighted in Command Palette
  4. If prompted, click Allow, and follow the prompts to sign in to Anypoint Platform.

  5. In Select a Business Group, find and select your business group for the project.

    For more information, see Before You Begin.

  6. Type a project name: American Flights API.

  7. Confirm the artifact ID: American-Flights-API.

  8. Confirm the asset version: 1.0.0.

  9. Confirm the API version: v1. The status bar shows the progress:

    Publishing API specification to Exchange notification highlighted
  10. When prompted to implement the API now, select No to avoid scaffolding the American Flights API specification into your integration.

    Selecting Yes scaffolds the API specification into your project. Instead of scaffolding now, you will scaffold in Implementing the American Flights API Spec.

Locate Your API in Exchange

After publishing your API specification, you can find it in Anypoint Exchange:

  1. Navigate to Anypoint Platform and log in using your credentials.

    Show me how
  2. Navigate to Anypoint Exchange.

    Show me how
  3. Notice that your API specification is listed as an asset.

    You can select the API, navigate through its summary, and see all the endpoints you defined in the previous tasks.

  4. Proceed to Integrating American Flights Processes to start an integration app for American Flights.