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Add a Condition to Your Flow Logic

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In this section of the tutorial, you learn how to add a condition to your flow to send an email to the regional leader if the Salesforce case is escalated, otherwise your Mule application sends a message to Slack.

Define the Behavior for When the Case Is Escalated

Use a Choice router to define behaviors based on specific conditions. In this case, choose to send an email if the case is escalated.

  1. In Anypoint Code Builder, open your new-case-salesforce.xml file.

  2. Click the (Add component) icon for the Logger component:

    add choice router slack escalation canvas
  3. Type choice and select Choice under Flow Control:

  4. Add the <when/> and <otherwise/> elements:

    sync api choice when
    <choice doc:name="Choice">
       <when doc:name="When" >
       <otherwise doc:name="Otherwise" >

    For better readability of your Mule flow, update the name of the <choice/>, <when/>, and <otherwise/> elements:

    <choice doc:name="Is Case Escalated?">
      <when doc:name="Escalated" >
      <otherwise doc:name="Not Escalated" >
  5. Define the when branch to execute if the variable casestatus equals Escalated:

    <choice doc:name="Is Case Escalated?">
      <when doc:name="Escalated" expression='#[vars.casestatus == "Escalated"]'>
      <otherwise doc:name="Not Escalated" >

Add an Email Connector

To configure the <when/> element, you must first configure operations from the Anypoint Connector for Email (Email Connector):

  1. In Anypoint Code Builder, open your new-case-salesforce.xml file, and add a new line under your <salesforce:sfdc-config/> element.

  2. Type smtp and select email:smtp-config:

    <email:smtp-config name="Email_SMTP">
      <email:smtps-connection host="${}" user="${email.username}" password="${email.password}">
         <tls:trust-store insecure="true" />
  3. Click the (Add component) icon after the Escalated section:

    add email operation slack integration canvas
  4. Type send and select Send from the Email section:

    send email slack integration canvas
  5. Configure send using the following code sample:

    <email:send config-ref="Email_SMTP" doc:name="Send Escalation Email" subject='#["Case " ++ vars.casenumber ++ " was escalated"]'>
        <email:to-address value="${email.username}" />
      <email:body contentType="text/html" >
        <email:content ><![CDATA[#["Please handle this case. " ++ payload]]]></email:content>
  6. To be able to test the application, temporarily add a <logger/> element inside your <otherwise/> element:

    <logger doc:name="Temporary Logger" message='#["Please look into this new Case: " ++ payload]'/>
  7. Examine your full Choice router configuration:

    <choice doc:name="Is Case Escalated?">
      <when doc:name="Escalated" expression='#[vars.casestatus == "Escalated"]'>
          <email:send config-ref="Email_SMTP" doc:name="Send Escalation Email" subject='#["Case " ++ vars.casenumber ++ " was escalated"]'>
                   <email:to-address value="${email.username}" />
                <email:body contentType="text/html" >
                       <email:content ><![CDATA[#["Please handle this case. " ++ payload]]]></email:content>
      <otherwise doc:name="Not Escalated" >
        <logger doc:name="Temporary Logger" message='#["Please look into this new Case: " ++ payload]'/>

Test Your Mule Application

  1. To expedite the test, remove the breakpoint for your Logger component.

  2. Select Run > Start Debugging (F5).

  3. After your application deploys successfully, log in to your Salesforce account.

  4. From App Launcher, select Service:

    salesforce select service
  5. Select Cases > New Case:

    salesfroce create new case
  6. Ensure that the Status of the new case is Escalated.

  7. After a few seconds, ensure that your configured email account received an email with the information configured in the case:

    Please handle this case. Case Number: 00001030, Origin: Phone, Case Type: , Priority: Medium, Status: Escalated
  8. Proceed to Configure Slack Integration to learn how to configure the Slack message for any case that was not escalated.