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Updating Apps Deployed to CloudHub 2.0

When deploying an application to CloudHub 2.0, Runtime Manager automatically versions and creates a new configuration.

Application configurations enable you to:

  • View the configuration change history of the application.

  • Roll back the configurations to an earlier version if the currently applied configuration has issues or is unstable.

  • View the application status.

    Possible values are:


    At least one replica is receiving traffic (Started state).

    Not running

    None of the replicas are receiving traffic.


    The target is disconnected.
    When this value appears, there is a MuleSoft-related outage or incident.

  • Make updates to a deployed application’s configuration, including:

    • Application file

    • Application deployment package version

    • Deployment target settings, such as runtime version, number of replicas, and whether the application is running in cluster mode

    • Endpoint and TLS settings

    • Resource allocations, including CPU and memory

    • App property values

  • View logs and diagnostics associated with a configuration.

Update App Settings

  1. From Anypoint Platform, select Runtime Manager > Applications.

  2. Click the app name.

  3. In the navigation menu, click Settings.

  4. Click Configuration to display the app configuration history:

    Config changes tab

    Displays the changes to the successfully deployed application configuration and includes the last ten configuration deployments in order by configuration date. A unique hash identifies each configuration in the history.

    All changes tab

    Displays a history of versions created from the configuration deployment and the actions performed on each version.

  5. Depending on the deployment target (shared or private space), change the deployed configuration:

    • Specify runtime options, such as uploading a new application file or changing the deployment target and resource allocation.

    • View the app’s current version.

    • Change the endpoint for the app.

    • Change app behavior with properties.

    • Disable or enable app logs and specify log levels.

  6. Click Apply Changes.

    A message appears at the top of the page indicating the configuration is in progress.

  7. Click View status to view the status for each replica in the deployment.

When the configuration is successfully applied and deployed, a message appears at the top of the page, with application status, configuration identifier, date, and replica status. The new configuration appears in the Config changes list.

If the configuration updates fail to deploy, the message indicates that CloudHub 2.0 didn’t apply the configuration, the configuration status is Update failed, and the configuration appears in the Config changes history without a label.

In failure cases, the deployment attempts to roll back to the last successful version of the configuration. In some situations, the rollback might not succeed, and the configuration status is Update failed.

Replica Statuses


The replica is receiving traffic.


The replica is waiting to start.


The replica is starting.


The deletion of the replica is in progress.


The replica was deleted.


The replica is stopping.


The replica has stopped (it is not receiving traffic).


The configuration failed to deploy. Recovering: The replica is attempting to restart after terminating. The last successfully deployed configuration is retained until the new (desired) configuration is successfully deployed.


The previous configuration of the replica is running, and new configuration settings are in the process of being implemented.

You can configure a desired state that indicates your ideal state of the replica. For example, if you expect the replica to be running, you can set the desired state to running.

Rolling Update vs. Recreate Deployment Model

Depending on the deployment model, CloudHub 2.0 applies new configurations as either:

  • Rolling updates

    Maintain availability by incrementally updating replicas.

    This model means zero downtime while CloudHub 2.0 applies updates to the application.

    Because CloudHub 2.0 applies updates as rolling updates, different application versions run simultaneously until the update completes. For this reason, ensure that your applications can run multiple versions in parallel.

  • Recreate

    Terminate replicas before redeployment. Redeployment is quicker and doesn’t require additional resources.

Roll Back to a Previous Successful Configuration

If a deployed configuration has issues, you can roll back to a previous successful version of the configuration.

If this is the first deployment of the application, the rollback version isn’t defined. In case of a failed deployment, the application remains in the failed status.
  1. From Anypoint Platform, select Runtime Manager > Applications.

  2. Click the app name.

  3. In the navigation menu, click Settings.

  4. Click Configuration to display the app configuration history.

  5. Select the version to which to roll back from the Config changes history.

    To change the runtime version of a previously used configuration, select the desired version from the Runtime Version dropdown list. You can change any other configuration before deploying.

  6. Click Deploy.

    The configuration moves to the top of the Config changes history list and displays the new deployment date, and it retains its original identifying hash.

After End of Extended Support for Mule runtime 4.3 and 4.4, Mule applications deployed to CloudHub or CloudHub 2.0 environments are no longer accessible.