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Troubleshooting Microsoft Azure Setup

If you have issues configuring your Azure account with Mail Session (Outlook with OAuth), follow these troubleshooting steps to ensure your app is properly registered and configured:

Register an App in Azure

  1. Navigate to and log in with your Azure account.

  2. Open the App Registrations page and create a new registration.

    • Select the supported account types.

    • Provide a Redirect URI.

      For the configuration to work, you must specify a valid redirect URL, for example: http://localhost:49453/.

For additional instructions about registering apps in Azure, see Azure: Register a web application.

Create a Client Secret for the App

After registering an app in Azure, the app’s setting page opens.

  1. Open the Certificates & Secrets page.

  2. Create a new client secret.

    After creating the secret, ensure you copy its Value as this is the only time you can see it. After you leave this page, the secret is no longer accessible.

For additional instructions about creating client secrets, see Azure: Create a client secret.

In some cases, authentication might not work if you have more than one secret defined or use the 24 month expiration cycle. When your authentication in RPA Builder doesn’t work, try deleting all client secrets in your Azure app and adding a new client secret with an expiration cycle of 6 months.

Verify the Settings

After registering the app and creating a client secret, open the app’s Overview page and ensure you have:

  • One secret under Client Credentials

  • One Redirect URI

If you created a Single-tenant app, locate the tenant ID for further use in the Mail Session (Outlook with OAuth) configuration.

Depending on the account type you selected when registering your app (Single or Multi tenant), the OAuth Host you configure in Mail Session (Outlook with OAuth) changes:

  • Multitenant: Specify as the OAuth Host URL.

  • Single tenant: Specify{{YOUR_TENANT_ID}}/oauth2/v2.0/ as the OAuth Host URL.

Add Permissions to the App

After registering your app and creating its client secret, configure permission settings:

  1. Open API Permissions in the side bar.

  2. Click Add a Permission and select Microsoft Graph.

  3. Select Delegated Permissions and add the following permissions from the OpenId permissions category:

    • email

    • offline_access

    • openid

    • profile

  4. Select the appropriate permissions and protocols depending on your workflow needs:

    • Category Mail

    • Category IMAP

    • Category EWS

    • Category POP

    • Category SMTP

    If you don’t know the permissions and protocols that apply to your case, select all of them.