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Import and Implement an API Spec

Open Beta Release: AsyncAPI implementation support in Anypoint Studio is in open beta. Any use of AsyncAPI with Studio in its beta state is subject to the applicable beta services terms and conditions. Provide feedback about the AsyncAPI feature.

Import and implement an API spec into either a new Mule project or an existing one in Studio from Exchange, Maven, your local drive, or Design Center.

Studio supports the following API specs:

API Spec Version More Information



See AsyncAPI Specifications in Design Center for more information about designing even-driven APIs using AsyncAPI in API Designer.

OpenAPI Specification (OAS)

2.0 and 3.0

RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML)

0.8 and 1.0

* After importing and implementing the API spec, it’s part of your project as a standalone attachment.

** After importing and implementing the API spec, it’s part of your project as a dependency.

See API development in Studio for more information about these two different approaches.