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Import and Implement an API Specification from Design Center

Import a RAML API specification from Design Center into either a new Mule project or an existing one.

Import and Implement an API Specification from Design Center Into a New Project

  1. In the taskbar, select File > New > Mule Project.

  2. Type a name for your project.

  3. Select a Mule runtime engine version 4.1.4 or later.

  4. In the API Specification section, select the Download RAML from Design Center tab.

  5. In the Location field, click …​ and select Design Center.

  6. Select your Anypoint Platform username.
    If you’re not logged in, click Add Account to add your Anypoint Platform account.

  7. In the Browse Design Center for APIs window, select the Anypoint Platform business group where the API specification is located.

    If you configure your Anypoint Platform credentials, the username and business group options are unavailable.

    If you want to use a different account, click Add Account and log in again.

  8. Select an API from the list of available APIs and click OK.

  9. Click Finish.

Studio scaffolds your API specification. If you choose not to create flows out of your API specification, deselect Scaffold Flows From These API Specifications.

Import and Implement an API Specification from Design Center into an Existing Project

Importing an API specification from Design Center into an existing project deletes all your resources from your src/main/resources/api directory.

  1. In the Package Explorer view, right-click on your project and select Anypoint Platform > Download RAML from Design Center.

  2. Select your Anypoint Platform username.

    If you’re not logged in, click Add Account to add your Anypoint Platform account.

  3. In the Browse Design Center for APIs window, select the Anypoint Platform business group where the API specification is located.

    If you configure your Anypoint Platform credentials, the username and business group options are unavailable.

    If you want to use a different account, click Add Account and log in again.

  4. Select an API from the list of available APIs and click OK.

  5. Click Finish.

Studio scaffolds your API specification. If you choose not to create flows out of your API specification, deselect Scaffold Flows From These API Specifications.