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Anypoint Runtime Fabric 2.x.x Release Notes

The following are release notes for Runtime Fabric v2.x.x.

For the complete Runtime Fabric documentation, see Anypoint Runtime Fabric.

Starting September 2022, Runtime Fabric agent releases on the v2.0.0 line apply only to partner platforms (both Kubernetes and VMs/Bare Metal). Agent releases for Runtime Fabric appliance distributions will continue on the v1.x.x line.

The following table shows Kubernetes supported versions:

K8s version Upstream K8s GA Runtime Fabric Support GA Runtime Fabric Support EOL


May 2022

January 2023

February 2024


August 2022

May 2023

June 2024


December 2022

June 2023

Runtime Fabric support GA of 1.30


April 2023

November 2023

Runtime Fabric support GA of 1.31


August 2023

March 2024

Runtime Fabric support of 1.32


December 2023

June 2024

Runtime Fabric support of 1.33


May 2024

October 2024

Runtime Fabric support of 1.34


August 15, 2024

What’s New

  • For all OpenShift upgrades from versions 2.6.52 and earlier to versions 2.7.0 and later, manually increase the rtfd container resources to the desired values. See Upgrade Pre-requisites.

  • Runtime Fabric OpenShift operator is available in the stable release channel.

  • More versions than just the last two OpenShift operator versions are now available to be installed.

  • CPU limit for Runtime Fabric daemon has increased from 50m to 200m.

  • The memory limit for Runtime Fabric daemon has increased from 250Mi to 300Mi.

  • In large clusters, Runtime Fabric agent and Runtime Fabric daemon have shown approximately a 25% reduction in CPU usage and a 40% reduction in overall memory consumption. Additionally, the Runtime Fabric agent’s start-up time has improved by 20%, and deployment latency has been cut by around 6%. See Scalability Benchmarks for guidance on large clusters.

  • You can now use any Helm release name. However, runtime-fabric is still the default and recommended name.

  • You can now override the creation of a new ServiceAccount for every Mule application deployment, by setting the DISABLE_PER_APP_SA variable in the env section of the Kubernetes template. See Disable Per Application Service Account.

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:2.7.0

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:1.0.127

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:2.0.215

    • monitoringSidecar (daemonset): mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:1.3.114

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:1.4.17

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:1.0.192

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:1.0.216

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:1.0.193

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:2.0.80

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/supply-chain-nginx-base-image:2.1.48

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:2.7.0

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:1.0.127

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:2.0.215

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:1.3.114

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:1.4.17

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:1.0.192

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:1.0.216

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:1.0.193

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:2.0.80

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:0.3.26

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

An invalid ephemeralStorageLimit defined in the KubernetesTemplate now results in a more readable error message.


Increased nginx proxy defaults for worker processes/connections to allow more concurrent connections to take place. This can potentially improve throughput when a lot of configuration resolver requests are received at once.


Added explicit rate limit configuration to nginx proxy to avoid Denial-of-Service attacks.


Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.26.x

  • 1.27.x

  • 1.28.x

  • 1.29.x


June 7, 2024

What’s New

  • Starting rtfctl version 1.0.70, if you use an rtf-agent version higher than 2.6.52, the rtfctl backup bundle doesn’t contain the Mule app deployments. The deployments are synced from the Runtime Manager UI at the time of restoration. Refer to Backing up and restoring Runtime Fabric.

  • By default, console logging is disabled if it’s detected that your Mule app logs at least one source, for example, Anypoint Monitoring, Splunk via a third party Log4j appender, etc. Disable console logging unless required. If desired, you can enable console log using the Kubernetes template by setting the ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOG variable in the env section. Using Anypoint Monitoring and removing redundancy of console logging can enable up to 40% performance improvement in your Mule app. Refer to Enable Console Logging.

    For clusters that forward logs using stdout, there is potential impact on log forwarding functionality. Work with your Kubernetes team to adjust log forwarding configurations accordingly and ensure continuous log monitoring and collection.
  • Review Runtime Fabric Core Software Kubernetes Permissions and Mule App Deployments Kubernetes Permissions on Runtime Fabric.

  • Starting Runtime Fabric agent version 2.6.52, monitoringSidecar (otel) version is bound to Mule runtime versions. Refer to Mule Runtime Patch Update Release Notes for Mule Apps on Runtime Fabric.

  • You can now deploy SNAPSHOT version assets to Runtime Fabric using the Mule Maven plugin without the need to increment your application’s version number manually. Refer to Exchange Snapshot Assets. Using Exchange snapshot assets in Anypoint Exchange during the development and testing phase, you can avoid incrementing your application’s version number for small changes. After your snapshot asset is overwritten in Anypoint Exchange, you can redeploy your SNAPSHOT version application to Runtime Fabric via the Mule Maven plugin to deploy the latest changes.

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:2.6.52

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:1.0.118

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:2.0.208

    • monitoringSidecar (daemonset): mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:1.3.114

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:1.4.15

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:1.0.179

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:1.0.205

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:1.0.183

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:2.0.48

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:1.2.152

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:2.6.52

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:1.0.118

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:2.0.208

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:1.3.114

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:1.4.15

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:1.0.179

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:1.0.205

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:1.0.183

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:2.0.48

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:0.3.26

Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.26.x

  • 1.27.x

  • 1.28.x

  • 1.29.x


May 13, 2024

What’s New

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

You can now view logs forwarded from Mule apps that have not restarted after upgrading to version 2.6.23 on non-Openshift self-managed platforms.


Mule apps no longer start with a warning regarding an invalid group ID.


  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:2.6.42

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:1.0.116

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:2.0.205

    • monitoringSidecar (otel): mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:2.0.45

    • monitoringSidecar (daemonset): mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:1.3.114

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:1.4.11

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:1.0.176

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:1.0.201

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:1.0.180

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:2.0.44

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.148

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:2.6.42

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:1.0.116

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:2.0.205

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:2.0.45

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:1.4.11

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:1.0.176

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:1.0.201

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:1.0.180

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:2.0.44

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:0.3.25

Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.25.x

  • 1.26.x

  • 1.27.x

  • 1.28.x


April 17, 2024

What’s New

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

For Openshift clusters, upgrade to Runtime Fabric version 2.6.23 to avoid noisy warning log messages in Runtime Fabric agent.


Known Issue Workaround ID

Unable to view logs forwarded from Mule apps that have not restarted after upgrading to version 2.6.23 on non-Openshift self-managed platforms.

Do not upgrade to version 2.6.23 and wait for the next version release. If you already upgraded, refer to the Anypoint Monitoring Log Forwarder Pods (daemon set) stop sending logs after upgrade to RTF agent version 2.6.22 or 2.6.23 knowledge base article for potential workarounds.


  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:2.6.23

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:1.0.113

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:2.0.181

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:2.0.45

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:1.4.11

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:1.0.170

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:1.0.197

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:1.0.174

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:2.0.34

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.100

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:2.6.23

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:1.0.113

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:2.0.181

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:2.0.45

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:1.4.11

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:1.0.170

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:1.0.197

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:1.0.174

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:2.0.34

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:0.3.20

Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.25.x

  • 1.26.x

  • 1.27.x

  • 1.28.x


April 11, 2024

What’s New

To upgrade an already created Runtime Fabric in an old K8s cluster version, you must first upgrade the agent to the new version, and then upgrade the cluster to use K8s.

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

The cluster health status box in the Runtime Manager user interface no longer displays more nodes than were actually live.


Persistence Gateway no more fails with the error `reached maximum value of sequence "items_id_seq".


Added timezone to the Mule-license expiry info which is displayed on the Runtime Fabric user interface.


Known Issue Workaround ID

Unable to view logs forwarded from Mule apps that have not restarted after upgrading to version 2.6.22 on non-Openshift self-managed platforms.

Do not upgrade to version 2.6.22 and wait for the next version release. If you already upgraded, refer to the Anypoint Monitoring Log Forwarder Pods (daemon set) stop sending logs after upgrade to RTF agent version 2.6.22 or 2.6.23 knowledge base article for potential workarounds.


  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:2.6.22

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:1.0.113

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:2.0.181

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:2.0.34

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:1.4.11

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:1.0.170

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:1.0.197

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:1.0.174

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:2.0.34

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.100

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:2.6.22

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:1.0.113

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:2.0.181

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:2.0.34

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:1.4.11

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:1.0.170

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:1.0.197

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:1.0.174

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:2.0.34

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:0.3.20

Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.25.x

  • 1.26.x

  • 1.27.x

  • 1.28.x


March 5, 2024

What’s New

  • Runtime Fabric now supports Kubernetes 1.28.

    To upgrade an already created Runtime Fabric in an old K8s cluster version, you must first upgrade the agent to the new version, and then upgrade the cluster to use K8s v1.28.

  • MuleSoft now consolidates telemetry transport through a single sidecar per application replica. Review the resource allocation changes of Anypoint Monitoring agent that enables you to monitor Mule apps deployed on Runtime Fabric.

  • Review how to synchronize image dependencies to your local registry using helm or rtfctl.

  • Mule app deployments via the API with AM log forwarding enabled must have the Mule app deployment request disableAmLogForwarding set to false.

  • Review customize Mule app Kubernetes resources on how to customize automountServiceAccountToken using CRD.

  • Review downgrading Runtime Fabric Versions.

  • Starting with this version, there are changes to the registry endpoint validation. Previously, an empty authorization header was sent during the probe on the registry endpoint for network checking. Now, Runtime Fabric sends no authorization header at all. If you are using a private registry, you might find that your network checks fail on the registry endpoint.

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

For OpenShift clusters, Mule app’s ingress now uses openshift-default as the ingressClassName when using rtf-openshift in the ingress template.


Runtime Fabric OpenShift route template now supports the default TLS-certificate.


Runtime Fabric BYOK ingress template with multi-hosts now propagates correctly the protocol to the Runtime Manager UI.


Runtime Fabric daemon no longer ignores Anypoint Monitoring proxy.


Runtime Fabric object store service now returns a structured response for errors.


This release includes security fixes.


Cluster IP service now works correctly with Runtime Fabrics installed in a custom namespace.


  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:2.6.2

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:1.0.104

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:2.0.176

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:1.3.111

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:1.4.7

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:1.0.160

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:1.0.185

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:1.0.167

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:2.0.29

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.100

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:2.6.2

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:1.0.104

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:2.0.176

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:1.3.111

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:1.4.7

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:1.3.111

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:1.0.185

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:1.0.167

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:2.0.29

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:0.3.20

Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.25.x

  • 1.26.x

  • 1.27.x

  • 1.28.x


November 15, 2023

What’s New

  • Runtime Fabric now supports Kubernetes 1.27.
    To upgrade an already created Runtime Fabric in an old K8s cluster version, you must first upgrade the agent to the new version, and then upgrade the cluster to use K8s v1.27.

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

Runtime Fabric namespaced Kubernetes templates in authorized mode and handling of node affinity rules now work correctly.


The ingress template now uses OCP default certificate for TLS Runtime Manager details to show the URL as plain HTTP instead of HTTPS.


Runtime Fabric agent now recovers correctly after a network outage if proxy is enabled.


The ingress resource watcher no longer publishes the ingress template every hour resulting in the CPU spike at the ingress controller.


Known Issues

Known Issue Workaround ID

For Runtime Fabric instances on OpenShift cluster, which are using authorized namespaces, additional ClusterRolebinding is required. If not provided InvalidSemverException occurs during the deployment of a Mule app.


  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.5.0

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.88

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v2.0.141

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.90

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.3.22

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.141

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.158

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.151

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v2.0.10

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.87

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:v2.5.0

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:v1.0.88

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:v2.0.141

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:v1.3.90

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:v1.3.22

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:v1.0.141

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:v1.0.158

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:1.0.151

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:v2.0.10

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:v0.3.17

Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.24.x

  • 1.25.x

  • 1.26.x

  • 1.27.x


September 25, 2023

What’s New

  • Runtime Fabric now supports Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK), VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, and Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE).

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

The AM Daemonset can now be turned off correctly.


For OpenShift clusters Runtime Fabric API now shows the controller and worker nodes correctly.


Mule apps on OpenShift clusters when redeployed after upgrading to Runtime Fabric 2.4.0 no longer need to stop and start for Mule app recovery.


  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.4.45

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.77

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v2.0.121

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.90

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.3.18

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.128

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.147

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.139

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.166

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.63

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:v2.4.45

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:v1.0.77

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:v2.0.121

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:v1.3.90

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:v1.3.18

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:v1.0.128

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:v1.0.147

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:v1.0.139

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:v1.0.166

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:v0.3.14

Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.23.x

  • 1.24.x

  • 1.25.x

  • 1.26.x


August 7th, 2023

What’s New

  • For Runtime Fabric agent installed on OpenShift, any new Mule app deployment must use a Mule runtime image built on August 8, 2023, or later.

  • Review new Secure Runtime Fabric documentation.

  • You can now customize your Mule app Kubernetes resources through the custom resource template. See Customize Mule App Using Kubernetes Resources (CRD).

  • You can now deploy Mule apps to Runtime Fabric using Anypoint CLI. See Deploying and Managing Mule Apps from the CLI.

  • You can now deploy apps with sizes up to 350 MB to Runtime Fabric targets.

  • The namespace in which your Runtime Fabric has been installed is now displayed on the fabric details page of the Anypoint Runtime Manager UI.

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.4.0

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.71

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v2.0.106

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.77

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.3.13

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.116

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.135

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.130

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.152

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.45

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:v2.4.0

    • Ubi coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions-ubi:v1.0.71

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:v2.0.11

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:v1.3.77

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:v1.3.13

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:v1.0.116

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:v1.0.135

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:v1.0.130

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:v1.0.152

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:v0.3.9

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

Persistence Gateway no longer makes object stores overwrite key values when it is expected to fail. Mule apps that use the Object Store Connector Store operation no longer ignore the parameter setting of the failIfPresent flag set to true.


The label is no longer missing on the service endpoint for a Mule app deployment.


Runtime Fabric OpenShift no longer creates a new service account for every deployment.


Clustered apps now run correctly on a multi-instance or custom agent namespace setup.


Runtime Fabric no longer shows the incorrect maximum memory for node.


Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.23.x

  • 1.24.x

  • 1.25.x

  • 1.26.x

Known Issues

Known Issue Workaround ID

Mule apps deployed to Runtime Fabric on OpenShift must be upgraded to the latest Mule runtime engine patches versions available 4.4.0, 4.3.0, or 3.9.x, before upgrading RTF agent to 2.4.0. Applications will continue running successfully after upgrading, although re-deployments of Mule apps deployed before RTF agent upgrade will run into issues and display unable to validate against any security context constraint error message.

Stop and re-start your Mule app. To downgrade RTF agent from 2.4.0 to 2.3.34, see Install old RTF operators in OCP platform or contact MuleSoft Support team. New Mule app deployments on RTF 2.4.0 do not have any impact.



June 15th, 2023

What’s New

  • Runtime Fabric now supports Kubernetes version 1.26.

    • To upgrade an already created Runtime Fabric in an old K8s cluster version, you must first upgrade the agent to the new version, and then upgrade the cluster to use K8s v1.26.

  • Runtime Fabric OpenShift operator: For runtime-fabric-operator-controller-manager pod manager container’s memory limit is increased to 2048 Mi.

  • GKE K8s 1.26 is compatible only with Mule runtime engine patches June 6, 2023 and later.

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.3.34

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.67

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v2.0.88

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.77

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.3.10

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.106

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.126

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.120

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.132

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.31

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:v2.3.34

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:v2.0.88

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:v1.3.77

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:v1.3.10

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:v1.0.106

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:v1.0.126

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:v1.0.120

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:v1.0.132

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:v0.3.9

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

This release includes security fixes.

W-13460997, W-13520411, W-13260915, W-13520416

AM sidecar memory is increased to prevent OOM (Out of memory), when sidecar is used for log forwarding.


Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.22.x

  • 1.23.x

  • 1.24.x

  • 1.25.x

  • 1.26.x


May 18th, 2023

What’s New

  • Runtime Fabric now supports Kubernetes version 1.25.

    • To upgrade an already created Runtime Fabric in an old K8s cluster version, you must first upgrade the agent to the new version, and then upgrade the cluster to use K8s v1.25.

    • Due to AKS 1.25 cluster performance memory-consumption issues, Runtime Fabric and Mule app deployments could require more resources than expected. K8s 1.25 is compatible only with Mule runtime engine patches June 6, 2023 and later.

  • Runtime Fabric now supports Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Anywhere (Amazon EKS-A).

  • Runtime Fabric now enables you to get the Mule License key expiry date. Refer to the get license expiry date documentation.

  • Review new Kubernetes (K8s) Best Practices for Runtime Fabric

  • Review Runtime Fabric scalability benchmarks documentation to understand scale limits for improvement of 8000 application deployments.

  • Runtime Fabric applications now support Anypoint app scheduler. Refer to the managing app schedules documentation.

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.3.1

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.60

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v2.0.61

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.74

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.3.5

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.91

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.112

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.107

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.125

    • Base Image Nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.25

  • The following dependencies are updated for installing Runtime Fabric as a Kubernetes (K8s) Operator:

    • Ubi agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent-ubi:v2.3.1

    • Ubi clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops-ubi:v2.0.61

    • Ubi monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar-ubi:v1.3.74

    • Ubi muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service-ubi:v1.3.5

    • Ubi appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init-ubi:v1.0.91

    • Ubi persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store-ubi:v1.0.112

    • Ubi resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher-ubi:v1.0.107

    • Ubi rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon-ubi:v1.0.125

    • Ubi Base Nginx: mulesoft/rtf-ubi-base-nginx:v0.3.9

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

Runtime Fabric now supports enabling and disabling NodeWatcher and RateLimit deployments with Helm values.


PSPs are no longer supported.


Added new security fixes.


Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.22.x

  • 1.23.x

  • 1.24.x

  • 1.25.x


April 11, 2023

What’s New

  • Runtime Fabric now supports multiple instances on a single cluster. Refer to the Installing Multiple Instances of Runtime Fabric on a Single Cluster documentation.

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.2.5

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.55

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v2.0.45

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.70

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.3.1

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.87

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.108

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.6:v1.2.23

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.103

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.98

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

Improved cluster status by reducing wait time to view agent status on the UI after installing or upgrading.


Runtime Fabric now spreads Mule app replicas correctly across different nodes and availability zones. Redeploy the application to Runtime Fabric to spread the replicas to the nodes running in the zone


A Runtime Fabric jar update during deployment now updates the generation pod label and does not leave the pods in pending state on small clusters.


Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.21.3 or later patch versions on 1.21.x

  • 1.22.x

  • 1.23.x

  • 1.24.x


January 23, 2023

What’s New

  • The use of custom Log4j appenders is now disabled by default in Runtime Fabric. See Integrating with Your Logging System Using Log4j for more information on enabling and using Log4j appenders.

  • This release adds support for Red Hat OpenShift Routes in Runtime Fabric. For information on configuring routes, see Configuring Red Hat OpenShift Routes in Runtime Fabric.

  • This release adds support for Kubernetes version 1.24.x for Runtime Fabric on Self-Managed Kubernetes.

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.1.30

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.46

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.62

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v2.0.6

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.2.74

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.75

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.101

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.1:v1.2.13

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.90

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.76

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

This release includes several security fixes.


Agent disconnect issue no longer occurs after upgrading to the latest version.


Using rtfctl to back up or restore a cluster without Persistence Gateway resources now works correctly.


The core pricing metrics error disabled due to missing asset_id configuration no longer occurs in Runtime Fabric.


Monitoring sidecar no longer produces error logs.


Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.21.3 or later patch versions on 1.21.x

  • 1.22.x

  • 1.23.x

  • 1.24.x


November 8, 2022

What’s New

The Runtime Fabric Red Hat OpenShift operator v2.1.0 was released on December 16, 2022.
  • You can now protect application property values of applications deployed to Runtime Fabric by displaying the property name, but not its value, in Anypoint Runtime Manager. See Protect Application Property Values in Runtime Fabric for more information.

  • You can now use a Log4j appender to integrate your logging system with applications deployed to Runtime Fabric. See Integrating with Your Logging System Using Log4j for more information.

  • You can now dynamically apply log levels when deploying apps on Runtime Fabric.

  • This release supports Kubernetes version 1.23.x on GKE and EKS.

  • This release includes security fixes.

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

  • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.1.0

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.42

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.40

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v1.1.91

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.2.74

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.71

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.95

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.1:v1.2.8

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.85

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.69

Fixed Issues

Issue Resolution ID

This release includes several security fixes.

  • W-11771848

  • W-11699152

  • W-11572282

  • W-11671846

  • W-11671853

  • W-11771848

  • W-11771894

  • W-11772032

  • W-11771924

  • W-11772072

  • W-11771954

  • W-11778838

  • W-11771995

  • W-11772037

  • W-11771965

  • W-11778856

  • W-11587200

  • W-11587078

  • W-11587517

  • W-11587569

  • W-11771933

  • W-11771905

  • W-11771861

  • W-11772085

Persistence gateway pod replicas are no longer incorrectly scheduled on the same node.


The Runtime Fabric agent container no longer restarts with an out of memory (OOM) error.


Known Issues

Known Issue Workaround ID

This upgrade includes a runtime log format change which may impact Anypoint Monitoring log forwarding.

Refer to the MuleSoft Knowledge Base for a workaround.


Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.20.10 or later patch versions on 1.20.x

  • 1.21.3 or later patch versions on 1.21.x

  • 1.22.x

  • 1.23.x (on AKS, GKE, and EKS)


September 13, 2022

What’s New

  • You can now deploy Runtime Fabric on Red Hat OpenShift. Runtime Fabric supports the following deployment options:

    • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

    • Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift

    • Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated

    • Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud

    • Self-managed Red Hat OpenShift editions (Performance Plus, OCP, Kubernetes engine)

      Runtime Fabric supports Red Hat OpenShift versions 4.6 to 4.10.

      See the installation instructions to get started.

  • This release adds support for authorized namespaces on Runtime Fabric. Authorized namespaces enable you to deploy Runtime Fabric alongside other services in a Kubernetes cluster. See Configuring Authorized Namespaces in Runtime Fabric for more information.

  • Updated dependencies for installing and managing Runtime Fabric with a local registry:

    • agent version: mulesoft/rtf-agent:v2.0.0

    • coreAction: mulesoft/rtf-core-actions:v1.0.38

    • monitoringSidecar: mulesoft/dias-anypoint-monitoring-sidecar:v1.3.36

    • clusterOps: mulesoft/rtf-cluster-ops:v1.1.77

    • muleClusterIpService: mulesoft/rtf-mule-clusterip-service:v1.2.71

    • appInit: mulesoft/rtf-app-init:v1.0.66

    • persistenceGateway: mulesoft/rtf-object-store:v1.0.85

    • nginx: mulesoft/base-image-nginx-1.21.1:v1.1.38

    • resourceFetcher: mulesoft/rtf-resource-fetcher:v1.0.78

    • rtfDaemon: mulesoft/rtf-daemon:v1.0.66

Fixed Issues

Description Issue

This release includes security fixes for the several Runtime Fabric services: rtfd, clusterip-service, resource cache, and rtf-agent.


Runtime Fabric no longer issues a Module directory not found: /opt/am/module error in application containers.


Persistence Gateway now correctly masks all sensitive data in logs.


Kubernetes Supported Versions

This version of Runtime Fabric supports the following Kubernetes versions:

  • 1.19.x

  • 1.20.10 or later patch versions on 1.20.x

  • 1.21.3 or later patch versions on 1.21.x

  • 1.22.x

  • 1.23.x (on AKS only)