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Changing Runtimes in Studio

When creating a new Mule Project, Studio prompts you to select a runtime; this decision is not irreversible, as the project runtime can be modified at any time. For example, you may want to change a project’s runtime to take advantage of improvements that are added to new versions of Mule. Keep in mind, however, that some runtimes may be only deployable to CloudHub, and some require an Enterprise license.

Switching a Project’s Runtime

  1. In the Package Explorer, expand the contents of your project’s folder, then double-click to open the mule-project.xml file.

    An arrow points to a file named mule-project.xml in a file tree
  2. Studio displays the contents of the file as fields in which you can change the values. Use the drop-down to select the Server Runtime you wish to use to run your Studio project.

    A Mule Project overview with a highlighted server runtime of Mule Server 3.5.0 M4 EE
Keep in mind that a different runtime may be incompatible with some elements included in your application. Further, be aware that some runtimes are deployable only to CloudHub. Refer to Release Notes to examine the abilities of each version of Mule runtimes.

See Also